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Details of Raila’s Closed Door Meeting with Top Officials

Details have emerged on Raila Odinga’s closed-door meeting with top officials of his ODM party during last weekend’s working retreat at the Coast.

The Star has established that Raila took time to explain to ODM officials the consequences of his bid for the Africa Union Commission chairperson seat.

The elections for the top continental job will be held in February 2025, but ODM has been gripped by fears that his absence would hurt the party’s fortunes.

Members of the National Executive Council, the party’s superior decision-making organ, posed questions about Raila’s anticipated absence.

Raila has declared interest for the AUC job and has received backing from the government with President William Ruto championing his candidacy.

The former prime minister’s departure in case he wins the seat, has triggered jitters within the rank and file of the Orange party.

He has already declared that he has taken a break from local politics to venture into continental politics as he eyes the AUC job.

A section of ODM linchpins is concerned that Raila’s absence would occasion a leadership vacuum that could whittle down the party’s influence.

They have also become apprehensive of ODM’s participation in the 2027 presidential elections should Raila win the AUC job.

When asked about the 2027 polls and if he will run for president, Raila said ”I am around just taking a break to serve the continent.”

He did not explicitly declare if he would be on the ballot for the 7th time but left his troops with little hope that all was not lost amid concerns that he could back President William Ruto.

Raila said the formation of the broad-based government does not mean that ODM has joined the government nor will support President Ruto in 2027.

Although Raila recently made far-reaching changes in the ODM’s top leadership and named three deputy party leaders, there appears to be growing jitters over the party’s future.

He named three deputy party leaders including Governors Simba Arati, Abdulswamad Nassir and Vihiga Governor Godfrey Osotsi.

Homa Bay Woman Representative Gladys Wanga was also unveiled as the National Chairperson, replacing John Mbadi who joined the Cabinet as Cabinet Secretary for National Treasury.

It was against this backdrop that Raila convened a two-day retreat for ODM’s NEC members to address palpable fears and give his blessings to the new leadership.

The meeting was also critical to welcome the new members of NEC even as Raila used the opportunity to explain to them his vision.

However, it has emerged that Raila was forced to allay fears that ODM’s future hangs in the balance should he secure the AUC job.

“I am going nowhere, I will be available for consultation with you frequently even if I am elected the Africa Union Commission job,” Raila reportedly told the NEC officials on Saturday.

“The party remains strong under the able leadership of the NEC and leaders led by Kisumu Governor Anyang’ Nyong’o.”

Raila had last month appointed Nyong’o to serve as acting party leader and take up the ODM leadership mantle from him as he focuses on the AUC job campaigns.

During the ODM NEC meeting over the weekend, Raila formally installed Nyong’o as the acting party leader, allowing the former secretary-general to chair part of a session in Mombasa.

Nyong’o told the meeting that he has the wherewithal to lead the ODM party to greater heights in Raila’s absence, promising an aggressive rejuvenation campaign.

The former Kisumu senator took time to highlight Kenya’s political landscape in light of a global perspective, insisting that more needs to be done to consolidate the democratic gains.

“We must work even harder to ensure that the gains we have made are safeguarded for the benefit of future generations,” Nyong’o is said to have told the meeting.

He also delved into the country’s economic standing warning that Kenya is reeling in deep debt.

Raila welcomed Nyong’o as the new ODM leader in an interim capacity, saying the Kisumu governor has continuously provided a firm foundation to the party since it was founded over 20 years ago.

“Today, in line with a recent decision of the Central Committee, I formally task our founding Secretary General Professor Anyang’ Nyong’o, to step in and provide leadership to our great party to enable me to immerse myself fully into the final and more intricate phase of my campaign for the chairmanship of the African Union Commission,” said Raila.

“The Central Committee of our party made this decision a few weeks ago, picking a man who has been central in giving direction and firm foundation to our party since inception. We are therefore assured of ideological continuity and clarity that have been the hallmarks of our party.”

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