Check Out Mama Jeff’s Response After A Section Of Mps Carried Posters Of ‘Justice For Jeff’ To The Check Out Mama Jeff’s Response After A Section Of Mps Carried Posters Of ‘Justice For Jeff’ To The Parliament
Mwangi Muthiora had nothing but thanks after a section of MPs were seen in a picture holding posters that demanded justice for Jeff. Samuel Muthiora mentioned a few MP Hon. Gathoni Wamuchomba from Githunguri, Hon Wamuratha who is the acting Kiambu Women Rep, Hon. Karungo Wa Thang’wa who is the Senator Kiambu, Hon Alice Nganga MP Thika Town, Governor Susan Kihika of Nakuru County, Nominated Hon Trizah Shiroh Mwangi, Hon Machua, MP Kiambu Town, Hon Elijah Njoroge Kururia, Hon Rahab Mwaura Nominated MCA, Hon Alice MCA Nominated and many others for standing with Kenyans on #Justice For Jeff. Mithiora also said that soon Jeff will be heard and Justice shall be served.
Mama Jeff replied to this amazing move and said Thanks To Almighty God for everything. Mama Jeff has done this using a TikTok video about an hour ago
Content created and supplied by: @banyk (via Opera
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