One of the most famous and talented luo musician, who signs Afrobenga music has caused stir online after revealing how he started his multimillion clothing brand with only ksh. 250.
Speaking in an interview with online media, Awicko said that he used to sell Chapatis at Kariobangi. So one day his mother had bought him a very smart short worth about ksh. 50, one of his friends admired it and wanted to buy it. Awicko went a head and negotiated the price with him and he accepted to buy it with ksh. 250.
After making that profit, he decided to use it and buy similar designs at ksh. 50 and sell them at ksh.250. That is how Awicko started his journey of building Awicko brand which is now a very famous clothing brand in Kenya.
Awicko said the journey has been very difficult but when he started to dress celebrities such as Timmy Tdat, Olunga, Mr Seed, Arrow Bwoy and many more others his brand gained fame. Awicko said currently he has a multimillion clothing brand that is independent and they manufacture clothes from the scratch. Congratulations Awicko keep on working hard and smart.
Content created and supplied by: PrayerWorrior (via Opera
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