34 C
Monday, October 7, 2024

Change of Guard in Turkana County Government

The Department of Health and Sanitation Turkana County Chief Officer, Peter Lomorukai, has officially taken office from Dr Gilchrist Lokoel, who has been acting in that capacity.

Presiding the handover ceremony, the County Secretary, Peter Eripete emphasised the need to have all staff be available and working at their stations to enhance the health sector as it’s exclusively mentioned in the Governor’s Manifesto alongside education and water.

Health County Executive Committee Member, Dr Anthony Apalia , said one of the key tasks for the incoming Chief Officer is human resource management.

As the outgoing Chief, Dr Lokoel highlighted shortage of staff in boosting healthcare services as one of the main challenges in the Department.

The incoming Chief Lomorukai, assured the staff of his support in executing the department’s mandate to guarantee all residents of Turkana of quality healthcare services and the Governor’s health agenda is achieved.

Both the CEC and Chief Lomorukai appreciated Dr Lokoel for his dedication to the office when he was acting.

In the closing remarks, the CS urged the health leadership to prioritise the frontline health worker’s role in striving to provide services while addressing absenteeism at workplace.

Those who witnessed the event were Joyce Illikwel (Ag. Director Administration ), Dr. Joseph Epem (Director LCRH), Nancy Kinyonge (Deputy Director, Health Administration and Partnerships), Gabriel Lopodo(Deputy Director Family Health), Job Nawose (Senior Accountant) and Philemon Lokulan (Chief Procurement Officer).

Content created and supplied by: HabarIbuka (via Opera
News )

Department of Health and Sanitation Turkana County
Health County Executive Committee
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