The Kalenjin are a Nilotic that live in Kenya’s Rift Valley Province. They are thought to have arrived from Tot or Burgei (a warm area) in the north; which is most likely Egypt (Kemet).
Within the Kalenjin, there are various minor tribal groups. Elgeyo, Endorois, Kipsigis, Marakwet, Nandi, Pokot, Sabaot, Terik, Tugen and Sebei are among the latter.
The basic Kalenjin dish is ugali and the popular tasty beverage Mursik must be present at the table to complete the meal.
What is Mursik?
This is a traditional drink made of fermented yogurt with ash from cromwo (Ozoroa insignis), a local tree recognized for its antibacterial effects and the mild peanut butter aroma.
Some people believe it is an unique fermented milk drink blended with some concoction in the shape of charcoal.
Mursik is often thought to strengthen bones and to be the secret behind the endurance and speed of Rift Valley runners.
The constant adoration for this traditional drink; which is an intrinsic part of Kalenjin culture and legacy has elevated it beyond the status of a Kalenjin commodity. It has certainly crossed borders and captured the hearts of many people around the country.
It is said to be more than 300 years old and began as a method of preserving milk amid a supply surplus. The drink is kept in gourds lined with fine charcoal ground from selected trees, which gives it a distinct smokey flavor.
The yogurt is a grey color with a velvety texture that appears appealing and can be manufactured from cow or goat’s milk (never combined). It’s smooth, sharp and not at all bitter. Fans of plain yogurt will like this drink.
The Advantages Of Taking Mursik
Mursik washes the blood. The charcoal in the drink cleans the blood; allowing the body to create more white blood cells which fight infections.
The crucial D present in natural sources such as Mursik helps to reduce fatigue by keeping your energy at an optimal level.
Maintains bone, tooth, muscle, and skin health and alleviates eye strain.
Aids in weight control. It moisturizes the body, supplies essential nutrients such unsaturated fats, minerals and good microorganisms and boosts metabolism.
The charcoal included is said to be a treatment for stomach distress.
Content created and supplied by: MsLK (via Opera
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