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Thursday, June 27, 2024

“I Coughed Blood” See What Happened To A Young Kenya Who Decided To Eat A Bat

A Kenyan Comedian Steve Alvin Muthomi, popularly known as the King of Mugaka has passed through a lot opening to Kenyans that he eat a bat.

According to Kenyans.co.ke, the comedian had a running nose for hours, fever, sore throat, chest pains, massive flu, and coughing blood immediately after eating the small mammal. Steve Alvin Muthomi added that he purely lost his voice as a result of flue.

According to Kenyan.co.ke Steve Alvin Muthomi Some of the symptoms quoted by the comedian are common among victims of the corona virus matching what some scientists suggested that eating bats from the Wuhan live animals market may have been the source of the Covid-19.

While speaking to Kenyans.co.ke, he Revealed that though his contents involves the consumption of unconventional foods such as rats and moles, none of the foods he had consumed in the past affected his health.

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Steve Alvin Muthomi
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