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Saturday, June 29, 2024

6 Stylish Photos That Rachel Ruto Is a Fashion Icon.

Deputy President’s wife Rachel Ruto is famous for dressing in elegant skirts and dresses, a niche she has always wowed her fans with.

Second Lady, Rachel Ruto is famously known for her short natural short hair and simple dressing style. She is a woman many young ladies look up to.

But it is her latest outfit that has won her more fans after she stepped out in an official trouser outfit that accentuated her beautiful frame.

Her priceless smile tells it all. She was very happy to meet a creative Kenyan entrepreneur who sells local fashioned basket bags referred to as Ashiki bags.

To many, Mama Rachel Ruto is a humble woman who puts her faith ahead of everything and fights fire with prayer. Every day, she walks with a sense of calmness and a belief that one positive action can make the world a brighter place.

William Ruto instead said as far as he knows, he is only married to one wife – Rachel – and not anyone else.

Content created and supplied by: Journalist1hub (via Opera
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Mama Rachel Ruto
Rachel Ruto
William Ruto
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