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Friday, September 20, 2024

Top Ten Richest Counties in Kenya as of 2022

According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS)- 2020, which ranks the counties wealth based on various multidisciplinary aspects such as physical development, nutrition, health, education, child protection, information, water, sanitation and housing. In addition to looking at money poverty.


Nairobi, the capital and commercial center of Kenya, is the richest county of Kenya, contributing 21.7 percent to total GDP, the capital is more than three and a half times larger than the economy of Nakuru, Kiambu, Mombasa, and Machakos.

Nairobi’s contribution to national wealth rejects the idea that the seat of power accounts for more than 60 percent of national production, as was previously widely believed.


In second place is Nakuru city with a share of GDP of 6.1 percent. Agriculture is the main economic activity in Nakuru County. However, the city ecological system is strong and the people of Nakuru rely on it for other economic activities, such as tourism, energy and many other beneficial commercial activities.

Nakuru County is the fastest growing city in East and Central Africa, growing at the same pace in construction and building. This rapid growth in the construction sector has stimulated the province’s cash flow, leading to the establishment of many construction-related industries outside the sector and providing employment to thousands of people.


Kiambu Province accounts for 5.5% of Kenya’s GDP. The county is the largest industrial commercial center. Good schools and road infrastructure have been developed in Kiambu Province near Nairobi.

The main economic activities are tea, coffee, dairy products, plums and horticulture. It contributes significantly to 17.4 percent of the county revenue.


The main economic activity is tourism, which accounts for 68% of wage employment. The city is the tourist center of the country.

Fort Jesus, the white sand beach, water sports, Mombasa Marine National Park, nature trails, historical and cultural sites and many world-class tourist hotels host many tourist attractions. With a GDP of 4.7 percent, Mombasa is the fourth largest county in Kenya.


The county has a GDP of 3.2%. The main economic activities here include animal husbandry, fruit growing, sand mining, mining and trade. Cereals are one of the cultivated food crops.

The county is full of natural resources, such as water from the river Athi and Tana, cattle, minerals, sports, tourist attractions, mountain scenery and meadows.

The rest of the top ten regions are in 6th place Meru (2.9%), 7. Kisumu (2.9%), 8. Nyandarua (2,6%), 9. Kakamega (2,4%) ug ika-10. Uasin-Gishu (2,3%).

Source; https://www.knbs.or.ke

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Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
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