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Grade 12 survival guide: Practical advice for pupils and parents

Tension is mounting in households across South Africa as Grade 12 pupils embark on the critical final phase towards their final exams. This juncture isn’t merely an academic checkpoint and a transformative phase but is a daunting and often emotional roller-coaster for pupils and their parents.

Pupils are submerged in study materials while parents grapple with providing adequate support without becoming excessively involved.

And, given South Africa’s distinct socio-economic landscape, many households face stresses.

The pressure to perform well and achieve good grades can be overwhelming. Pupils may feel the need to meet the expectations of their parents, teachers and themselves, which increases stress levels.

And they often face time constraints as they try to balance their exam preparation with other responsibilities, such as school assignments, extracurricular activities and social commitments.

The limited time available to cover a vast syllabus can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress.

The fear of failure is a common source of stress for matrics. The belief that their exam results will determine their future opportunities and career prospects can create immense pressure.

The thought of not achieving desired results can be distressing and can lead to increased stress levels. However, failing matric should not be viewed as the end of the road.

Failure to qualify for or be able to afford university after matric can lead to sadness because it means career goals must be altered.

Dr Linda Meyer, MD of The Independent Institute of Education’s Rosebank College, argues that parents work tirelessly to ensure their children’s success within these challenging times.

She adds that today’s complicated times intensify these challenges and increase the child’s stress. She is confident that practical facilitation and emotional anchoring are the two most effective ways for parents to offer significant support.

Picture: Supplied/Dr Linda MeyerMD at The Independent Institute of Education’s Rosebank College

Practical facilitation:

According to Meyer, test runs, mimicking actual exam conditions, at home can offer insights into areas needing further focus and, equally importantly, help pupils become familiar with the conditions of the physical exam environment.

Being available to address queries is essential, but so is promoting autonomous learning. Encouraging pupils to think critically and find solutions is absolutely important.

Even though technology can be a saving grace, it can be a double-edged sword. Setting ground rules is pivotal to ensure digital devices aid, rather than disrupt, study schedules, advises Meyer.

Emotional anchoring:

In an article from Harvard Health, emotional anchoring is described as a way to teach children how to cope with overwhelming emotions. An emotional anchor will help you go back to a point in time so that you can feel the way you want to feel when you need to.

It might be a particular piece of music or a particular smell, that when you smell that smell again or hear that piece of music, you are transported back to that point in time.

Beyond rigorous studying, integrating activities like meditation, short walks or hobbies can mentally rejuvenate pupils. Enough rest, outdoor engagements, a nutritious diet, and avoiding excessive caffeine or sugar cannot be stressed enough.

“Having a safe space can vocalise their fears, aspirations or academic challenges. Active, non-judgmental listening can be therapeutic,” says Meyer.

And recognising not just major positive results, but effort, dedication, and small achievements, can tremendously boost a child’s self-esteem and drive.


Meyer shares several strategies that can boost a pupil’s well-being and academic success leading up to final exams:

Establish a routine:

Plan your study schedule. Breaking down your subjects into manageable sections can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Allocate more time for subjects or topics you find challenging.

Incorporate short breaks to avoid burnout and keep your mind fresh.

Optimal study environment:

Find a quiet, comfortable place free from distractions.

Ensure good lighting to avoid straining your eyes.

Keep all your materials (books, notes, stationery) organised and within reach.

Effective study techniques:

Active recall: Instead of passively reading, test yourself regularly.

Mind maps: Use these to represent and link concepts visually.

Teach someone: Explaining a topic to someone else can help solidify your understanding.

Past exam papers:

Regularly practise using past matric papers. They give you an understanding of the exam format and the types of questions you’ll encounter.

Time yourself while answering to simulate the actual exam conditions. If there’s a topic you’re struggling with, ask your teacher or a friend, or consider tutoring.

“Seek counselling or speak to someone if the stress becomes overwhelming. Your mental well-being is crucial.”

Limit distractions:

Limit social media and entertainment during study sessions. Consider apps or tools that block distracting sites for specific periods.

Group studies:

Studying with peers can provide different perspectives and solutions to problems. However, ensure that the group remains focused and productive.

Exam day preparedness:

Ensure you have all required materials (ID, stationery, calculator, etc).

Arrive with ample time to spare. Rushing can increase anxiety.

Before starting, take a moment to calm your nerves. Deep breaths can help.

Keep abreast of any changes or updates related to the exams, whether they concern exam dates, venue changes, or safety protocols.

Beyond the books:

Remember, while exams are essential, they don’t define your entire worth or future. There are always various pathways to success.

Meyer adds, “And most importantly, we need to apply flexibility and understanding in the parenting approach during this time. Young adults, with their individual personalities and coping mechanisms, require tailored support.

“But beyond academic challenges and triumphs, we should appreciate the journey and celebrate continuous learning, personal evolution, and the tenacity to bounce back, irrespective of the outcomes.”


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