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A rabbit by any other name is chicken? Dinner party turns sour after host serves rabbit stew - Ghanamma.com
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Sunday, January 19, 2025

A rabbit by any other name is chicken? Dinner party turns sour after host serves rabbit stew

What’s a dinner party without a little drama?

The woman explains that she had thrown a “Lord of the Rings” dinner party for her friends, about 20 people, including kids.

However, what should’ve been a fun night turned into guests freaking out after they realised what they’d eaten.

‘’I recently decided to host a ‘Lord of the Rings’ meal, and emailed the invitation and menu to my friends,’’ She wrote. And the menu stated Rabbit stew along with other different dishes.

‘’Everything was going very well until one of the guests asked what the meat was in the rabbit stew. I thought she was joking at first, but she was completely serious, so I said, “Well, it’s rabbit’’.

She feels the guests’ reaction was rather exaggerated because cooked rabbit is apparently not any different from “dark meat poultry”. Picture: Jay Wennington/Wellington

She says she lives in an area where it isn’t considered strange. Where she resides there’s a lack of natural predators leading to a superabundance of other animals such as deer, rabbits and game birds.

‘’Hunting them is encouraged because otherwise they tend to starve in the winter for lack of sufficient food or die of diseases due to overpopulation,’’ she adds.

Nevertheless, one of the adult guests lost her marbles after the “shocking” news and her daughter started “chunking”. This lady had no chill, she told the children that they were eating bunnies.

“Apparently they thought that by ‘rabbit stew’ I meant something like what I meant by ‘lembas’ (a whey bread) – I was using a fantasy term for something more ‘normal’.”

She feels the guests’ reaction was rather exaggerated because cooked rabbit is apparently not any different from “dark meat poultry”. She did, however, apologise for the misunderstanding, but the woman was stubborn.

“I apologised for the miscommunication and for upsetting her and her daughter, but she was still livid, and said that I was the a**hole for serving rabbit under any circumstances.’’

One user added: ‘’Can’t believe an adult needs to be told what kind of meat is in rabbit stew. Did we change the dictionary and move the definition of chicken to Rabbit when I wasn’t looking? Also, what is wrong with eating Rabbit? I don’t get it.’’

Do you think she was an a**hole for serving rabbit? To be fair, it sounds like it’s only one guest and her kid who felt offended by the dish, so clearly, it could not have been that bad. I think it’s safe to use the line, “But did you die?’’


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