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Friday, September 20, 2024

Woman chooses violence, drags ex-fiancé and sister at their wedding

A break up can either go really badly or really well. But what happens when your sibling marries your ex-fiancé?

A woman asked on the AITA group on Reddit if she’s an idiot for ruining her sister’s wedding.

‘’We got engaged when I was 20 and about six months after we found out we were expecting. Unfortunately I miscarried a couple of days later. That was the worst moment of our lives.’’

“I found out during the year we separated he had been confiding in my sister (27) and it turned into something intimate. He cut it off when we got back together but the damage was done. She was pregnant,’’ she wrote.

To make matters worse, her parents and some of her friends knew all along. She decided to kick him out of her accommodation and avoided everyone who kept this dark secret from her.

‘’Well, a couple of weeks ago I got an invite to the wedding. Something snapped inside of me, I got drunk and I took a cab to my parent’s house where they were throwing a party for them,’’ she added.

“Most of my family was there, I basically showed up and gave a whole f*** you speech to everybody. My sister ran upstairs in tears and my parents called me an a**hole for ruining the prospect of their wedding.’’

I mean, give the girl a break.

“I said good because nobody apologised to me, everybody just kept saying we were separated, things happen, people fall in love, I should be happy for them, the heart wants what it wants.“

Redditors supported her and felt her pain and anger towards everybody. One user wrote: ‘’Totally! They deserved the f**k you speech and more, I am SO angry for OP. I can’t believe the audacity of some people.’’

I think it’s safe to say that the speech was needed, since everything was handled in an immature way. Now, a family is broken where relationships may never be repaired again, sadly.


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