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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Stephen 't'Witch' Boss laid to rest

Stephen ‘t’Witch’ Boss has been laid to rest.

The DJ – who served as a producer on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” from 2014 until its conclusion in 2022 – took his own life in December and is said to have been laid to rest on Wednesday, January 4, in a small ceremony with a “larger celebration” set to take place in the future.

A source told TMZ: ” He is being laid to rest this afternoon in Los Angeles, in what we’re told is going to be a small and intimate funeral attended by close family.

“There is going to be a larger celebration of life ceremony in the near future, which will be held for close friends and the people who Stephen considered his family.”

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Just before the holiday season, TV star DeGeneres explained she would be using music and dance to remember her tragic colleague over the festive period.

Speaking in a video posted to Instagram, she said: “I just wanted to say the past 11 days have been really tough for everyone. Everyone is in pain and trying to make sense of it and we’ll never make sense of it.

“I think the best thing that we can do is to laugh and hug each other and play games and dance and sing. That’s the way we honour him. We do the things that he loved to do, which is dancing.

“He loved music. He loved games.”

The “Finding Nemo” star went on to urge her 129 million followers to “love each other” and “check in” on others as she reminded fans that t’Witch – who is survived by his wife Allison Holker, 34, and their children Weslie, 14, Maddox, six, and three-year-old Zadia – was a man of “pure light.”

She added: “Hug each other and love each other and let people know we’re there for them and check in on people. I know it’s not a happy holiday, but he was pure light as everybody in the comment section said.

“If you knew him, you knew that. If you didn’t know him, you saw that. Let’s honour him and think about him and send love to one another.”

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