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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Smelly breath? Why not give coconut oil pulling a shot?

An age-old Indian folk cure known as oil pulling promises to whiten teeth, improve oral health, and refresh breath.

It’s getting more and more common to use coconut oil for oil pulling. Many people vouch for this treatment and claim that it also benefits their health in other ways.

Oil is used as a mouthwash in the oil pulling technique by swishing it around the mouth. It has been used as an Indian traditional cure for countless years.

You must swish a spoonful of oil around in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes in order to oil pull.

Reducing the quantity of dangerous germs in the mouth is the main advantage of doing this. In your mouth, there are hundreds of different kinds of microorganisms.

Some of them are friendly, but not all of them. Plaque is a thin layer of bacteria-produced biofilm that forms on your teeth as a result of oral bacteria.

It’s natural to have some plaque on your teeth, but if it builds up too much, it can lead to cavities, gum disease, foul breath, and gingivitis.

Oil pulling is a straightforward process in which the germs in your mouth are carried away and disintegrated by the liquid oil as you swirl it about your mouth.

Any oil should work for oil pulling, however extra-virgin coconut oil is a preferred option because of its flavour. It also contains a healthy fatty acid profile with a high concentration of the antibacterial lauric acid.

One of the major oral bacteria, Streptococcus mutans, is a major contributor to plaque formation and tooth disease.

In one research of 60 adults, oil pulling using coconut oil for 10 minutes each day for as little as two weeks dramatically reduced the amount of S. mutans in saliva compared to distilled water.

Another trial in kids found that coconut oil reduced S. mutans just as well as a typical chlorhexidine mouthwash.

Even though these findings are encouraging, more research evaluating the efficiency of coconut oil in comparison to other kinds of oils is required.

Gum inflammation, or gingivitis, is brought on by your immune system attacking the germs in the plaque.

One study examined the effects of sesame oil pulling and a conventional chlorhexidine mouthwash on 20 adolescent boys with plaque-induced gingivitis. Mouthwash and oil pulling both worked well to treat gingivitis.

Coconut oil offers comparable advantages. Daily coconut oil pulling dramatically decreased gingivitis indicators in a one-month research involving 60 teenagers.

Halitosis, often known as bad breath, is frequently brought on by the odour of chemicals and gases produced by bacteria in your mouth. It is linked to illnesses, gingivitis, and generally bad oral hygiene.

It stands to reason that if you eliminate some of these bacteria and enhance your dental hygiene, you will have less foul breath.

Sesame oil pulling dramatically decreased all indicators of bad breath, according to a study done on 20 teenagers, and was just as effective as using a chlorhexidine mouthwash.

More research is required to determine whether coconut oil pulling also helps with halitosis. However, it appears reasonable considering that it may lessen plaque and gingivitis.

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One frequently cited assertion is that oil pulling helps whiten teeth. There are currently no studies that back up this advantage. Some individuals also think that oil pulling is a detoxification technique that removes poisons from the body. There is no proof for this assertion.

Last but not least, there is no scientific proof that this treatment is effective for disorders other than those of the mouth.

Oil pulling is remarkably easy:

  • Give your tongue about a spoonful of oil
  • Spend 15 to 20 minutes swishing the oil around your mouth
  • After throwing up the oil, clean your teeth

It’s advisable to spit the oil out onto some paper and throw it in the garbage because if you don’t, the fat could eventually clog your pipes.

It’s not necessary to exert a lot of force. Relax a little bit if oil pulling hurts your facial muscles. Next time, try using less oil and don’t swish it around as vigorously.

Some claim that oil pulling is best done first thing in the morning, before cleaning your teeth.

Many people do it in the morning while taking a shower or bath. Coconut oil pulling is a straightforward technique that could lower your risk of gum disease, cavities, and foul breath.

There are numerous other health benefits attributed to oil pulling. However the majority lack scientific backing.

Oil pulling appears to be a great complementary method to enhance your dental hygiene, nevertheless. Definitely give it a shot.

Read the latest issue of IOL Health digital magazine here.


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