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Friday, September 20, 2024

Christina Applegate refuses to 'accept' MS diagnosis

Christina Applegate is “never going to accept” her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) diagnosis.

The 50-year-old actress had experienced tingling and numbness for several years before she was diagnosed with the autoimmune condition in the summer of 2021, and while she admitted it was “good” that production on the final season of ‘Dead To Me’ shut down for five months so she could receive treatment and process the news, she’s still angry about her health issues.

She said: “There was the sense of, ‘Well, let’s get her some medicine so she can get better.’ And there is no better. But it was good for me. I needed to process my loss of my life, my loss of that part of me. So I needed that time.

“Although it’s not like I came on the other side of it, like, ‘Woohoo, I’m totally fine.’

“Acceptance? No. I’m never going to accept this. I’m p****.”

Though it was suggested there would be no need to return to work, the actress was determined to finish off the show.

She said: “I had an obligation… to our story. The powers that be were like, ‘Let’s just stop. We don’t need to finish it. Let’s put a few episodes together.’ I said, ‘No. We’re going to do it, but we’re going to do it on my terms.’”

Applegate acknowledged the illness has taken a toll on her body and she’s ready for fans to see changes in her appearances when the third season of ‘Dead To Me’ airs on Netflix.

She told the New York Times newspaper: “This is the first time anyone’s going to see me the way I am. I put on 40 pounds; I can’t walk without a cane. I want people to know that I am very aware of all of that.”

The ‘Anchorman’ actress isn’t sure she’ll be able to watch the final season because she finds it too painful but she’s a little worried about what viewers will think of it.

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She said: “If people hate it, if people love it, if all they can concentrate on is, ‘Ooh, look at the cripple,’ that’s not up to me.

“I’m sure that people are going to be, like, ‘I can’t get past it.’

“Fine, don’t get past it, then. But hopefully people can get past it and just enjoy the ride and say goodbye to these two girls.”


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