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Friday, October 18, 2024

That’s disgusting! Woman furious after finding out her partner urinated in one of her coffee mugs

Hardcore gamers are really passionate about what they do.

They can spend hours in front of a computer and it can be really difficult to get anything out of them when they are in a zone.

Most of them will only take a break to eat or use the bathroom.

This gamer, however, was so engrossed with the game that even the need to urinate wasn’t going to pull him away from it.

How do we know this?

His partner, a 24-year-old woman, took to Reddit’s AITA group to vent about it.

In her post, she says: “My partner (M28) is very into gaming I (F24) accept this and even play a couple of games myself recently I came home and greeted him in his office only to find whilst in a raid he’d needed the toilet and decided to wee in one of our mugs (usually used for tea/coffee)

“I said it was disgusting in a not so nice way and walked off to compose myself before broaching the subject and ask him not to do this.”

One would expect that he apologised for what he did, but instead he simply admitted that as a man he is disgusting.

“I’m a guy we are disgusting you grew up in a house of women this is just how all guys are,” he told his partner.

In another attempt to defend his actions he said that it was no different to putting animal fat in a mug and washing it out afterwards, that after it’s washed it doesn’t matter.

Even though she was grossed out and told him so, she still tried to ask for a compromise.

“I tried to ask for a compromise after a back and forth of if he really needed to use a disposable bottle or something I won’t drink out of in the future but I really don’t see how this is necessary as the toilet is five steps from his office,” she lamented.

She now wants to know if she’s the a**hole for getting grossed out/asking him to stop.

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Most of the users commented that she’s definitely NOT an a**hole.

One Reddit user responded by saying: “This is disgusting and lazy. Video games are not too important to take a break and go pee. Coming from being a gamer myself. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for you to ask at the very least it be a disposable bottle. I’d also draw a hard line at it being a mug that he chose to use.”

“My 21yo son is a gamer and there’s no way he would DREAM of doing this. It’s disgusting and definitely not normal behaviour,” said another.

Another woman commented, “I have a father, a brother and a boyfriend. So I grew up around men, live with a man and talk to men. My brother, bf and friends also play video games to various degrees. NO ONE does that. It is not normal.”


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