March 18 (UPI) — Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher’s Stand with Ukraine fundraiser through GoFundMe has reached over $30 million and is approaching nearly $35 million in two weeks. The fundraiser will benefit refugee and humanitarian aid efforts through and
The married couple pledged to match up to $3 million and over 65,000 people have donated. is organizing shipments of relief supplies to refugee sites and is providing free, short-term housing to refugees fleeing Ukraine.
The married couple posted an update about the fundraiser on Kutcher’s Instagram recently to thank donors for reaching their $30 million goal.
“While this is far from a solution for the problem, our collective effort will provide a softer landing for so many people as they forge ahead into their future of uncertainty. Our work is not done. We will do everything we can to ensure that the outpouring of love that came as a part of this campaign finds maximum impact with those in need. Funds have already and will continue to be delivered to and so they can act now,” the duo said.
“As funding continues to come in we will treat every dollar as if it were being donated from our pocket, with respect and honor for the work that went into earning it, the intent of love through which it was given, and the desire for it to be maximized for positive outcomes for others,” they continued.
Kunis was born in Chernivtsi, Ukraine in 1983.