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Monday, September 30, 2024

Javi Marroquin to Kailyn Lowry: You’re Traumatizing Your Kids By Constantly Trashing Their Dads!

Now that Kailyn Lowry is done with the Teen Mom franchise, she’s switched her focus to podcasting full-time.

Of course, the thing that Kail’s listeners want to hear her talk about most is her personal life — and she’s usually happy to deliver the goods.

It seems, however, that some of the people in Kail’s life aren’t happy with being used as podcast fodder.

In fact, Lowry’s ex-husband, Javi Marroquin, is flat-out begging her to stop talking about him on her various shows.

Kailyn Lowry & Javi Marroquin: Here's Why Fans Are Convinced They're Back Together!

Lowry revealed all of this herself on the latest episode of her “Coffee Convos” podcast.

“Javi and I’s issues, right now we’re back to [communicating by] email only. He’s a complete dick,” Kail said, according to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.

“He sent me a really nasty text message while I was on vacation because I spoke highly of his family on the podcast.

“He told me ‘don’t ever talk about his family’ and that I’m being fake about how close we are and how good [his family is],” Kail continued.

Kail sometimes dishes about Javi on her podcast. (Photo via Instagram)

“I’m not allowed to talk about his mom and [he told me], ‘don’t ever ask his sister for anything’…I highly, highly, highly doubt that they have any idea that you’re acting like a f–king moron, and they’re able to make their own decision.”

Lowry claimed that despite what Javi thinks, she’s still friendly with his mother and sister.

“They’re saying hi to me at a game, but we don’t sit together,” Kail said.

“We’re very, very cordial…You may not like me but they’re nice to me and they’re nice to my kids.”

Kailyn on the Roof
Kail poses on a roof. (Photo via Instagram)

From there, she read a text that she recently received from Javi:

“For the one millionth time, stop talking about my family. Stop creating this fake narrative that my family is a part of your life. You have a boyfriend,” the message read.

“Keep me and my family out of your podcast, out of your life, period. Don’t ask [my sister] Lidia to do you favors. Boundaries!” Javi continued (allegedly).

Javi Marroquin with Linc
Javi Marroquin is with his son, Lincoln, in this photo. They’re at a professional football game. (Photo via Instagram)

“Stop living off this narrative that we’re all so close. We are not the same. [Live] your life, figure your s–t out. We are email-only after this message.

“Never, ever f–king talk about my mom…I’m sick of this f**king narrative you try to portray,” an obviously furoius Marroquin went on.

“These kids are going to be traumatized and I’m disgusted you think it’s a laughing matter. I will make sure my son comes out on top.”

Kail Tells Her Side
Kail gets emotional on an episode of Teen Mom 2. (Photo via MTV)

“I immediately started crying because Javi has this ability to hurt me in other ways that [my other baby daddies] Chris [Lopez] and Jo [Rivera] can’t,” Kail said of receiving the text.

“I do think that part of it is because we were married. So when Javi says things like this, I get emotional and I get really upset and [Lincoln] was like, ‘Why is my dad being mean to you?’” she added.

“I just blocked [Javi’s] number. I didn’t even respond.”

Javi Marroquin Watches Football
It’s an extreme close up of Javi Marroquin. He’s at a football game here. (Photo via Instagram)

If you’re a “Coffee Convos” fan, and you’re worried that Kail might stop talking about Javi, fear not — it seems she has no intention of granting her ex’s wish.

“He’ll tell me, ‘For the millionth time, stop talking about me’ and I’m like, ‘For the millionth time, this is my life,’” Lowry told her listeners.

“For the millionth time, this has been my life for the past five years. I’m gonna talk about something as I see fit and as it applies to the conversation,” she continued.

“I don’t know how many times I have to say that, and you don’t get to dictate. When he sends me s–t like that, it makes me want to be spiteful because now you’ve pissed me off.”

Kailyn Lowry in 2022
Kailyn Lowry is pictured here on an episode of Teen Mom 2, courtesy of an installment that aired in 2022. (Photo via MTV)

Kail then claimed that her ex’s latest complaints seemed to come out of nowhere, as the two of them were on the best of terms until recently.

“Literally two weeks ago, Javi was like, ‘I’m always gonna be here for you, if you ever need anything,’” she said.

“I don’t know what to expect, because sometimes he’s like, ‘I’m always gonna be here for you as a friend,’ and we’re cool and we’ll joke around at football and stuff and other times it’s like, ‘I want to be in a relationship and you’re gonna ruin it.’”

Kailyn Lowry & Javi Marroquin: We BOTH Cheated on Each Other!
Kail and Javi have a long history together. (Photo via WeTV)

Kail went on to say that she has no intention of messing up any current or future relationship of Javi’s.

“His parents and sister being friendly to us at games, in no way, shape or form, would us being close…that should never affect any type of relationship [he has], whether it’s with [his other baby mama] Lauren [Comeau] or anybody else,” she said, before theorizing:

“Maybe he is involved with someone and they forced his hand to send that message, I don’t know.”

Javi Marroquin and Lauren Comeau Together
Javi Marroquin and Lauren Comeau have been through a lot as a couple … and Kail was involved in a lot of it. (Photo via Instagram)

Kail ended on a glum note, saying:

“Javi and I, we don’t even need to be friends, and that’s sad. When we’re friends, it’s so good and when we’re not, it’s so bad.”

Not surprisingly, Javi has yet to respond to Lowry’s latest comments.

He probably knows that if he says anything, it’ll get talked about on her podcast!


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