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Monday, September 30, 2024

Prince Albert’s son reveals special bond he has with dad’s former flame Naomi Campbell

Prince Albert of Monaco’s son, Alexandre Grimaldi, says Naomi Campbell is like an aunt.

The 20-year-old model – whose mother is former flight attendant Nicole Coste – has revealed his dad’s former flame has embraced him like a member of her family.

Speaking to Tatler magazine, he said: “Everyone’s been very nice to me.

“It was great to meet her. She was really open and kind of embraced me as like … a nephew.

“She gave me a bit of advice: just to be careful with anyone looking after me, especially since I’m coming out to the public.”

Despite a difficult past, with Alexandre being kept secret from the public for a while, he has enjoyed spending more time with his father lately after spending much of his childhood with his mother between Paris and London.

He said: “With my dad it’s good, we’re starting to see each other a lot more.

“During the holiday season, we are spending a lot of time together.

“It’s a very good relationship.”

Alexandre is the grandchild of the late Hollywood icon Grace Kelly, and although they never met, he and his half-sister actress Jazmin Grace Grimaldi, 31 – whose mother is Tamara Rotolo – have been getting him acquainted with her movies.

He said: “I’ve seen a couple of her Hitchcock movies, my favourite being ‘Dial M for Murder’.

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“We [Jazmin and I] talk about her a lot, because of the things we’re currently doing – especially Jazmin, as she’s sort of following in our grandmother’s footsteps in Hollywood. We always talk about that and about how she wants to continue her legacy.”


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