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Monday, March 3, 2025

Overcoming fear and misconceptions on breast cancer screening, according to an expert

The World Health Organization created awareness around breast cancer in October. First initiated in October 1985, Breast Cancer Month has grown exponentially globally and this year is no exception.

According to the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA), it’s far better to have an early-stage diagnosis, as it results in better breast cancer treatment and long-term survival. CANSA recommends monthly breast self-examination, annual medical check-ups, and screening.

However, it is important to acknowledge the barriers that prevent women from seeking these potentially life-saving tests.

Fear emerges as a primary factor discouraging women from getting screened. The anxieties associated with diagnostic procedures are multi-faceted, encompassing both physical and emotional aspects.

Women may have concerns about the discomfort or pain associated with mammograms or other screening methods.

Radiologists from the SCP Radiologist Practice and Dr Lizanne Langenhoven, who specialises in the treatment of breast cancer, address some of the concerns around breast cancer screening.

It’s going to be too painful

Many women still rely on their mother’s experience with early mammograms which were painful.

Mammography machines have progressed exponentially since the early days, so the level of discomfort experienced during the procedure is now significantly reduced.

Fear of exposure to radiation

Radiation doses during mammograms are relatively low. Additionally, radiologists adhere rigorously to the ALARA principle, which states that radiation should always be used “as low as reasonably achievable”.

The advantages of mammography currently outweigh the risks associated with this low dosage of radiation.

Fear of finding out you have breast cancer

The earlier we become aware of an existing problem, the sooner it can be addressed and with much less invasive treatment.’

“The good news is that our understanding of the different subtypes of breast cancer has improved significantly over the past few years!

“We no longer follow a one-type-fits-all approach and many women may even safely be spared chemotherapy in a curative setting.”

I don’t go for mammograms, I only go for thermography

At present, thermography cannot substitute mammography but may be used as complementary screening. Dr. Langenhoven claims that thermography is not as effective as it may be.

The size of the tumour must be large for it to give off heat signals. On the other hand, mammography can detect breast changes before they become cancerous.

Therefore, mammography detects the illness process far earlier than thermography.

If am diagnosed with breast cancer I am going to die anyway, so I would rather not find out

This statement is not true in the current day and age where 90% of women with early breast cancer can be cured of their disease, said Dr Langenhoven.

I can’t have a mammogram I have breast implants

Yes, you can, is the short answer. If you have breast implants the compression and positioning are adjusted. The amount of pressure is equivalent to sleeping on your stomach.

Modern technology means there is a very low risk of implant rupture or damage. It is usually combined with ultrasound for better evaluation of the implants.

I don’t need a mammogram, I have had a double mastectomy

Once a patient has experienced breast cancer, their mammogram shifts from being a screening tool to a diagnostic tool. This means that the regular rules for screening no longer apply.

Instead, the follow-up process is determined by the referring physician, taking into account the unique characteristics of each individual’s cancer, including the subtype, surgical procedures, and oncological treatments received.

It’s important to note that even if a patient has undergone a double mastectomy, there is still a possibility of recurrence in the breasts.

“The notion that cancer means suffering and death comes from a bygone time and we should do all we can to change this outdated perception.

The survival rate of breast cancer depends on several factors including the type of cancer, the immune receptors, the grade, and the speed at which it is growing – these all determine the survival rate.

A big tumour that is slow growing and has a low grade has a more favourable outcome after treatment, than a small tumour that is high grade and fast growing.”

Adding that, “If a cancer is found early and the grade is established earlier, then tailored treatment can begin earlier which may slow down or limit the progress. An early diagnosis will improve treatment outcomes.”

The advantage of screening is early detection for better treatment outcomes and prognosis.

“Early detection really counts when it comes to treatment-related side effects and the cost of treatment.

“Early cancer may very well be treated with less invasive surgery, a smaller radiotherapy field given over a shorter period of time with fewer side effects, and the omission of chemotherapy for many women,” said Dr Langenhoven.


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