WhatsApp announced today that users can now record and share short personal videos directly in chats. The messaging app notes that voice messages changed the way people communicate by proving a quick and secure way to share their voice, which is why it’s now building on the functionality with instant video messages.
“Video messages are a real-time way to respond to chats with whatever you want to say and show in 60 seconds,” WhatsApp wrote in a blog post. “We think these will be a fun way to share moments with all the emotion that comes from video, whether it’s wishing someone a happy birthday, laughing at a joke, or bringing good news.”
WhatsApp says sending a video message is just as easy as sending a voice message. To do so, you need to tap to switch to video mode and hold to record the video. You can also swipe up to lock and record the video hands-free. Videos will play automatically on mute when opened in a chat, and tapping on the video will start the sound. Video messages are protected with end-to-end encryption.
The new feature is rolling out starting today and will be available to all users in the coming weeks.
The launch of the new feature comes as WhatsApp has been adding several new features to its app over the past few months. The company recently introduced a feature that automatically silences calls from unknown numbers. It also gave users the ability to edit a message within 15 minutes of sending the it. Plus, WhatsApp is said to be working on introducing usernames.