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Friday, September 20, 2024

‘After my husband passed away, I found love with his brother’

When looking for love, you’d never expect to find it right under your nose.

This is no ordinary love story and will for most people be unbelievable and make them feel uncomfortable.

Truly, a YouTube channel that tells real-life stories, shared the love story of Kaitlin and Rory from New Hampshire.

Kaitlin recently faced a lot of judgement after revealing on social media that she was in a relationship with her dead husband’s brother.

Kaitlin was married to her husband Aaron for four years and they had a son together.

They both developed a drug addiction which made their relationship unhealthy and caused troubles in their marriage.

When she went to rehab to get clean, Aaron sadly passed away in 2016 from an overdose.

While grieving, Kaitlin found comfort in speaking with her husband’s brother Rory, which was a surprise as he wasn’t fond of her when she was married to his brother.

While grieving, the two became close and fell for each other.

At first, they were hesitant to let their families know about the relationship.

There was a lot of shock at first, especially from Aaron and Rory’s mother, who never thought Kaitlin and Rory would be close or get together.

“I thought it was a little weird. My first thought was ‘How would Aaron feel?’ I knew he would not like it all,” said Aaron and Rory’s mom Jess.

During the interview, even Rory admitted that he wasn’t very fond of Kaitlin.

After sharing her story online, Kaitlin received a lot of negative comments on her videos, with many people calling her ‘sick’, but it doesn’t bother them.

Rory told Truly: “Something bad happened to her and something bad happened to me and we ended up finding comfort in one another so the negativity doesn’t do anything to us.”

Kaitlin and Rory have now been together for seven years, have two children of their own and are raising their children from previous relationships together.

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