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Disabled gogo, 73, defies her age and makes living as an Uber Eats driver - Ghanamma.com
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Monday, January 20, 2025

Disabled gogo, 73, defies her age and makes living as an Uber Eats driver

Susan Robinson, a 73-year-old woman living with a disability, has an unparalleled zest for life and at her age was still going after her dreams.

This septuagenarian (a person who is between 70 and 79 years old) began a successful job as a delivery driver for Uber Eats and according to her, this brings her great joy.

She has work experience as a statistician for the department of health in Pretoria.

Robinson said she was introduced to the e-hailing company by her daughter and son-in-law, both of whom work as drivers for it.

The hard working woman received the proposal shortly after her mother, who supported the family, suffered a stroke, forcing her to devise a strategy to make ends meet.

“Sadly, my daughter was right. My mother passed away not long after her stroke, and I had to move out of the house she had paid for with my father’s pension,” said Robinson.

“That was back in 2018, and although I was terribly saddened by the circumstances which led me to join Uber Eats, my lifestyle has changed for the better.”

This career change has brought her financial independence once more and increased her confidence. She was able to move into a retirement home because of the money she receives from deliveries.

Additionally, Robinson was also in a position to purchase a car and pay monthly insurance, and her table is never empty.

She has become a pro, knows the ins and outs of this work and loves the flexibility it provides.

“I know which hours are busiest, so I make sure to be available at those times,” said Robinson.

“In between, I have time to do housework or take part in my hobbies, like crocheting. The job is really what I make of it.”

The general manager: SSA of Uber Eats, Nakampe Molewa, commented that flexibility, freedom as well as increased earnings are the top reasons earners choose Uber Eats as their platform of choice.

Robinson remains hopeful despite facing obstacles like load shedding, which sometimes stops her from entering buildings.

“Life is never perfect. We all have our own battles – and yet, we must find a way to overcome them so that we can do something with the life we have been given,” she said.

IOL News

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