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RECIPE: Chef Sam Ramokoka’s tripe stew - Ghanamma.com
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Sunday, January 19, 2025

RECIPE: Chef Sam Ramokoka’s tripe stew

Tripe is a traditional delicacy that remains a firm favourite in many homes. Cultures around the world have long been using it as a healthy source of protein.

It can be found in the traditional cuisine of Asia, Africa, Europe, and parts of the Americas. Tripe is most commonly eaten in dishes such as soups, stews, and sauced foods.

Because of its distinctive scent and mild flavour, it is typically heavily spiced and combined with other flavourful foods. Below, the Cradle Boutique Hotel’s new chef Sam Ramokoka shares his simple tripe stew recipe.

Ramokoka’s cooking journey began with helping his mother, who worked for a Scripture Union campsite where she made simple meals like soup and mac and cheese.

“I loved helping her and knew early on that food was my future,” he said.

His journey began 16 years ago as a sculler in the Mount Grace Hotel kitchen.

Within six months the chef had promoted him to commis assistant chef.

“I had to do all the jobs the chefs didn’t like. But I was curious. I wanted to know more and I asked questions. I ended up standing in front of guests frying eggs and making omelettes. That’s when I realised that this is what I want to do in life and knew I needed the right qualifications,” said Ramokoka.

Tripe stew


1kg mogodu beef tripe

120g onion chopped

10g turmeric

20g garlic

2 tsp beef stock

Salt and pepper to taste


Boil the tripe for 45 minutes.

Allow to simmer for another 45 minutes and add the spices and onions.

Allow to thicken then serve.


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