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Thursday, October 10, 2024

‘Absolutely gross!’ He only showers every 3 days but calls his girlfriend an a**hole for showering every day

If there’s one way to test any relationship it’s to live together.

No matter how long you’ve been together, living together will open your eyes to little habits you never knew about your partner.

Whether it’s him not dropping the toilet seat or his inability to pop laundry into the laundry basket instead of next to it, you only learn a person’s true nature when you spend every day with that person.

This 27-year-old woman’s 31-year-old long-distance boyfriend is visiting her and it’s their first time living together and according to the Reddit user it’s been “eye-opening to say the least.”

She takes to the AITAH group to share what she has discovered about her boyfriend, John, that she finds off-putting.

Her issue with her partner centres on personal hygiene and how many times a week he showers versus how often she does.

She starts off by sharing that she showers every day, but her boyfriend only showers every three days, which she finds “absolutely gross”.

“I haven’t said anything about it, but John has been very vocal saying that showering daily is a waste of time and money and bad for the environment. He’s been trying to convince me to shower every other day. I’ve tried to explain to him that based on my experience, showering less is not an option for me, especially that I also bike to work every day,” shares the frustrated girlfriend.

“He’s still not budging, he told me I could do a bird bath and leave the big shower for every other day. I still refused. He called me an a**hole for not even considering his opinion and is now sulking in my garden,” she adds.

“He’s taking it really seriously and I wonder if I may be an a**hole. He’s only here for a short while. Am I the a**hole?” she concludes.

Reddit users have voted her “not the a**hole”.

One user commented, “NTA. Ditch the dude and shower as often as you want,” while another reckoned, “Every three days is disgusting. NTA. Kick his unwashed a** to the kerb.”

“NTA. Regardless of either of your bathing habits, the fact that he wants to argue about yours and calls you an a**hole because you don’t agree with him on YOUR bathing habits is a huge red flag. How would he be about something really serious?” commented another.


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