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WATCH: Life after death? British man dubbed ‘The Miracle Man’ after experiencing ‘the afterlife’

After problems from a heart valve operation last year, Kevin Hill’s heart stopped pumping for several minutes.

The 55-year-old, who was later resuscitated and given the nickname “The Miracle Man” by medical professionals, claimed on Thursday that after passing away, he entered a “spirit dimension.”

The Englishman told the New York Post, “I wasn’t looking down at my body, but I was separate from my body. It was like I was in the spirit realm. I was conscious of what was going on but I had so much peace”

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“Then I just went to sleep and I woke up, alive and the bleeding had stopped,” he said.

“I knew it wasn’t my time to die”, he added.

Hill told the Daily Telegraph that he didn’t see a dazzling light and that there was no sign that he was going to heaven. He nevertheless characterized the overall impression as “peaceful”. His health problems started in the summer of 2021 when the extra water retention in his legs caused them to bloat excessively.

Hill’s heart valve only had two sections instead of three, which was revealed by doctors to be a medical condition that necessitated major surgery.

Hill’s issues, though, were only getting started, according to MSN.

The Mayo Clinic describes the British patient’s postoperative calciphylaxis as a dangerous, unusual condition in which calcium builds up in the tiny blood vessels of the adipose and skin tissues.

“I had the disease for months”. In an interview with the New York Post, he recounted that his skin “was eating away at me” and that eventually, his legs began to “bleed out”. He told reporters, “I had three days where my legs were gushing out; it simply wouldn’t stop.”

Hill eventually lost more than two litres of blood, which caused him to pass away for a while. After being brought back to life, the British man described his agonizing anguish, saying: “I would cry for hours. My pain level was 100 out of 10.”

Hill has what Healthline refers to as “Lazarus Syndrome”, a condition when your blood circulation resumes on its own after your heart has stopped beating but does not resume despite cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

In essence, it’s coming back to life after it seems like you’ve passed away, similar to Hill’s experience. In the Bible, a person named Lazarus rose from the grave four days after passing away. Because it appears as though you have risen from the dead when your circulation suddenly returns, the syndrome bears his name.

Hill spent almost a year in the hospital, but eventually made a full recovery and was recently allowed to go home. He admitted to South West News Service that his ordeal had permanently altered him. In the interview with South West News Service, he said, “The situation has made me refocus my priorities. When I came out of the hospital, my family atmosphere changed dramatically.”

He is more tough-minded now. He concluded by telling the New York Post reporters that he was confident of his ability to recover.

Read the latest issue of IOL Health digital magazine here.


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