Although the robust flavours of both whisky and Indian cuisine may seem to be an odd match, they can work nicely together.
Make a note of the sort of whisky you are pairing, along with the age, type of grain used, and the distillation level when attempting to determine which type of whisky pairs best with your meal.
Choosing the ideal pairing can be difficult for those who aren’t consummate whisky enthusiasts; therefore, to improve your dining experience, here are the best whisky pairings shared by an alcoholic beverage brand – NeuWorld.
Butter chicken or paneer and international flavour whisky
Depending on how much milk or butter is used, Indian dishes like butter chicken or paneer can be incredibly rich and flavourful. It is therefore ideal to combine a dish like butter chicken or butter paneer with a smooth and full-bodied whisky, like a Royal Tribe.
The whisky’s richness will help counteract the spiciness of the butter chicken.
Biryani and blended scotch
One of the most popular dishes in the nation is probably biryani and mixing it with the correct whisky can really elevate the entire meal and give you a completely new experience.
It is recommended that you match a bolder, older whisky, such as Grants Triple Oak, with a spicy biryani dish. Stronger, more aggressive whiskies typically have a higher alcohol level and a stronger flavour profile, which will carry throughout your entire meal.
Tandoori and blended whisky with scotch
There is no denying that because tandoori preparations are so traditional, they require a classic whisky to go with them. One of the greatest and most appropriate options for this match is blended whisky, especially if you are enjoying a non-vegetarian tandoori dish.
The peatiness of a robust, blended whisky like NeuWorld Downing Street blended with scotch makes a wonderful match and produces a harmonious combination with the smokey tastes of the tandoori.
Vada-Pav-Pakoda, coffee and Irish whisky
A good whisky combination can be created with typical snacks and well-known Indian fast food dishes, as well as with a full course of entrées. Pakoda and Vada-Pav are two of the most well-known fast food items, so it is vital to include a whisky that can be combined with coffee for this adored treat.
Fast food selections go perfectly with Jameson Irish Whiskey and coffee, especially if you enjoy them throughout the cooler months of the year.
Dal and high proof bourbon
Depending on how it is prepared and the kind of lentils used, dal is one of the most adaptable foods and is loved all across the nation. Even while dal is typically served as a side dish to go with the meal’s major source of carbohydrates, pairing it with a fine whisky can really bring out the dal’s richness and give you an entirely different flavour profile.
Dal is typically flavourful, so the best drink to match it with is a bourbon whisky. A mellow and smooth whisky, such as a Jim Beam whisky, pairs well with many different sorts of dishes and can really improve your dining experience.
If you choose the proper whisky to complement the flavour of the meal, whisky and Indian food can make a fantastic combo. There are many different whisky varieties available, each with a distinctive flavour profile, so deciding which one to choose will depend on the particular qualities of the Indian meal you plan to serve it with.
Finding a balance between the strong flavours of both whisky and Indian food is ultimately the secret to successful matching. To find the best combinations that suit your taste, don’t be scared to experiment.