For close on five decades, Dr. John Demartini has studied the principles of human behaviour as it relates to self-empowerment and the importance of values in a relationship and a family.
On the P-word podcast with host Rushka Lee Pedro, Demartini speaks about how values underlie every aspect of human behaviour and how being cognisant of them enables people to empower themselves.
Demartini is an American best-selling author, international educator, and public speaker. He is a publisher of over 40 self development books and has over 100 audio online courses.
“Every human being, regardless of their culture, background, gender, or spectrum, lives by a set of priorities or a set of values that are unique like a fingerprint to them. Although they evolve over time.
“Their perceptions, decisions and actions are based on it, and whatever is highest on the value is what they feel their identity revolves around. When it comes to a relationship or a family, everybody wants to be loved and appreciated for who they are, and who they are as an expression, what they value most,” he said.
Values are the cornerstone in the mastery of communication, said Demartini, and knowing the top values of an individual is absolutely crucial.
“When I teach people in corporations, or if kids at school or in relationship dynamics, that’s the starting point. First, let’s find out what they value so we know who they are,” he said.
Demartini has recently published a new book, titled, The 7 Secret Treasures: A Transformational Blueprint for a Well-Lived Life, that focuses on how to empower all seven areas of your life.
“This includes how to wake up your genius, how to build your business, how to build your wealth, how to have a stable relationship, how to have social influence, how to have a vital body, and how to be inspired,” he said.
One of his most well-known books is The Breakthrough Experience: A Revolutionary New Approach to Personal Transformation, and is available on along with a number of his other books.
* This article was published first by Magic 828. See original article here. This podcast is proudly sponsored by