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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Lindsay Lohan got engaged for real on the set of ‘Falling For Christmas’

Lindsay Lohan got engaged on the set of “Falling For Christmas”.

The 36-year-old actress – who is making her comeback to movies in the festive Netflix romcom about a hotel heiress who gets engaged to her boyfriend before losing her memory – tied the knot with Bader Shammas earlier this year and revealed that he proposed to her when she was at work but had to keep it a secret.

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She said: “Married life is great. He’s a great man, and I found my partner. You never know if that’s gonna happen in life. But I get really shy talking about it.

“I feel like when you have a partner you become protective of the two of you in a different way. We got married in April, actually, but the hardest thing was he proposed to me on the set of ‘Falling For Christmas’.

“Not (literally), on the set, but off set when we were filming, and I had to not tell anyone because I didn’t want it to distract it from our work and stuff, so I was holding in that I was engaged. And I’m getting engaged in the movie, and I was like, ‘I can’t do this anymore!””

The “Mean Girls” star – who started dating businessman Bader, 35, in 2019, five years after she had relocated to Dubai – went on to explain that she always knew the pair were going to tie the knot.

Speaking on “The Drew Barrymore Show”, she told stand-in host Ross Matthews: “I did know right away. I said it to him. I was like, ‘I think I’m gonna marry you one day’, but I think he thought I was crazy. But I didn’t think I was crazy. I felt it. I knew it!”

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