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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Your healthiest holiday body ever – yes, you read right!

As you edge your way into the holiday season, you’re probably already making plans with Mama about who’s hosting festive lunches.

And while you may have a hundred HIIT classes until 25th December, your Mom has just got out her new party season recipe book and decided three different triffles need to be made for the big day. And then there’s the run up; school events, work parties, weekend braais and everything seems to involve cheese boards, bubbly and your son’s left over boerie roll that you swore you weren’t going to eat.

Relax. It’s that season right? And actually some days are meant to be enjoyed. For the rest there are ways stay mindful of your health.

The RID Method: Ditch the crash diet culture

It’s so tempting to fall back on “quick” fixes when you’re staring a goal – like swimwear or party season – straight on. But why crash diets don’t work is simply because they don’t help you boost overall health outcomes.

Think long term lifestyle over short gains. And this is where RID (the Renewal Institute Diet) makes such a difference. When healthy weight loss is combined with medical expertise and innovation, beautiful things happen.

A scientific approach together with good-for-you, nutritious food means a sensible – and sustainable – lifestyle switch. With over 12 years of medical researching on how the body sheds unwanted weight, RID works together with a low GL eating program with ingredients that help to shift abnormal fat. And we all know too well about that kind of resistant weight – you know, the kind that builds up over time and then just sits, never moving.

Sure, a cabbage soup diet might make you see a drop on the scale, but it’s not known to be a healthy – or a happy way – to eat long term. For this, low-glycaemic eating still means really enjoying your food, but with a more mindful approach to your blood sugar and insulin levels.

Ask any of the Health Renewal medical doctors at Skin Renewal to chat you through the low GL eating guidelines. After all, why shouldn’t you enjoy what you eat, all the while getting healthy? Your body deserves it!

Support System: Your boost to better health

Getting your nutrition right is the first step, but a support team to ensure your body is not only helped with weight loss but shored up against any health issues means keeping your curve goals on track.

Added to your RID program are Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injections. These, together with supplements, help to balance out cravings and support your system. TLC comes in human form too, and you’ll be looked after and monitored by a medical professional.

A weight loss journey should be checked regularly so that your health is the main priority – it’s in this way you start to see body goals as health versus just fitting into that tiny swimming cossie. In other words, your wellbeing is first and foremost.

So while you’re out on a walk or enjoying your yoga practice, remember that just like exercise, switching up nutrition for good health is like getting fit: slow and steady wins the race!

Not so scared of the festive season anymore? Good! There will be days that you must enjoy yourself. But striving for long-term wellbeing and binning the idea of quick fixes is a mindset that’ll take you from panic to happy place. And healthy place!

With RID, boosting your body’s wellbeing, creating good nutrition habits and getting the support you need means a beautiful and sustainable journey. Ready, set? Go!

Now watch:

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