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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Nicki Minaj says fifth album is coming 'soon'

Nicki Minaj has revealed her fifth album is coming “soon”.

The 39-year-old rapper is staying coy on any firm details about the upcoming record – the follow-up to 2018’s “Queen” – but she confirmed a vague timeline for its highly anticipated release.

Asked what projects she has on the horizon, she told i-D Magazine: “The fifth album. I’m not gonna say when it’s gonna come out, but the album will be out soon.”

Minaj revealed she is “in a really great place”, and noted being in that position always leads to her creating “the best music”.

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She added: “I’m in a really great place now. I feel like whenever I’m happy, I deliver the best music.

“And in order for me to deliver the best music for my album – which is coming out soon – I have to tap back into the essence of hip-hop.”

The multi-talented star also revealed she is still keen to keep on with her acting career, and she will never step away from that side of her life “for too long”.

She said: “Definitely. I’ve been speaking to a director about doing something in a movie. In terms of TV, we’ll see. But I love acting, and I’ll never abandon acting for too long. That’s one of my biggest passions.”

Meanwhile, Minaj previously admitted the success of her latest single “Super Freaky Girl” has encouraged her to bring out her next collection sooner than she anticipated.

She explained: “I wasn’t sure how I was even feeling about having to put out an album this year.

“But (‘Super Freaky Girl’) happening and people liking it, that made me happy.

“People have gone through so much recently that they want to have fun. It’ll probably expedite the album to come out this year.”

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