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Friday, September 20, 2024

How much are you willing to sacrifice for love?

Compromises are a crucial part of relationships.

Any couple can attest to the significance of “meeting halfway”.

Even being somewhat accommodative in a relationship is regarded as healthy.

But even if it results in the greatest concord, can you make compromises on everything?

As per dating App QuackQuack’s survey, 45% of respondents felt that dating entails making sacrifices. Indeed, it is a two-way street. You must make certain sacrifices in your life if you desire peace and harmony.

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According to 32% of the male respondents, late-night talks caused them to alter their eating, sleeping and dressing habits.

While certain life changes are inevitable, others shouldn’t be made because of your relationship. At least 41% of those over 30 said one should never compromise on the fundamental qualities that make us who we are.

Ravi Mittal, QuackQuack Founder and CEO shared, “Among the approximately 1.20 million mutual matches per year, we witness people choosing partners with similar habits and core values. The trend shows one out of six people unmatch owing to conflicting ideals.”

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A staggering six out of eight guys admitted to quitting smoking and drinking after finding a partner. Most of these guys concurred that it just improved their health, but 9% said they felt in control.

Love over friendships?

Did you know that a new relationship often leads to the end of an old friendship? It’s a proven fact.

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One of the things that suffers the most from compromise in a relationship is friendship.

Twenty-five percent users described how certain matches failed because (of) their closest pals of the wrong sex.

They treasured the friendship more than someone they had just met online since it caused too many uncertainties and mistrust in their relationship.

Clash of beliefs and BAE

Ideals and core values were one thing that most of the respondents said they had never changed for love.

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Between the ages of 25 and 30, 54% of both men and women said their views defined them. If that prevents them from dating specific individuals, then so be it; nonetheless, giving in on that is not an option.

Five out of the eight respondents said they frequently connect with others who have similar life goals. That not only gives you more topics to discuss, but it also keeps relationships peaceful.

Age old rivals: work and love

The main source of friction in relationships has consistently been work. Participants in the study were split on whether or not making concessions at work would be too costly in terms of interpersonal harmony.

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According to 31% of working women, forcing them to give up their hard work to pursue their career ambitions is unfair. When given the choice between love and employment, 29% of males pursuing higher education said they would choose the former without a second thought.

Sweet taste of freedom

Have your pals who have been together for a long time ever made jokes about how they feel the noose closing in on them? But is it a joke?

An independent person would never be required to give up their freedom in a healthy relationship, according to 35% of women over 30 from Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities. It is not the same as giving in to your every want, especially if it veers toward immoral behaviour.

Why would your heart long for anything like that if you are in a loving relationship? There is nothing wrong with taking some time for yourself.

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