Ever heard of the saying “trust energies, it never lies”? Well, it kind of makes sense, that feeling you have when something is off, is usually true. There are many beliefs in thes world, and to each their own.
A TikToker, Robyn Moreno, shares a process she calls “moving the winds”, which is a way of ridding your body of negative energy.
Curanderismo is the art of Hispanic/Latino traditional medicine, using plants. Morena says her role as a healer is to care for people and guide them. The idea of moving winds stems from moving energies that are bad, and shifting the bad thoughts, no matter how small or big.
@robynnmoreno How to shift energy after you made a mistake or had a funky interaction. Moving the winds is very powerful, enjoy, and lmk how it goes! #fyp #movethewinds #curandera #cleanse #limpia #healing #regret ♬ original sound – robynnmoreno
Four ways in which a curandera practises moving the winds:
1. Smoke medicine
I’ve seen many practise this form of healing. It is the practice of burning herbs to cleanse yourself spiritually. Morena says this is a full-body cleanse “from your head back into your heart”. ‘’When practising smoke medicine indoors, you should at least crack open a window, so that the energy can actually move outside of the space you’re in, instead of it moving to another room in the same building.’’
2. Cleaning
I always feel better after cleaning the space I spend most of my time in. Many believe that decluttering a physical space will help declutter your mind. “Maybe the moving of the winds is like redirection, organisation, cleaning your desk or altar, or wiping the window,” she says, adding that physically moving things around is helpful in clearing energy.
3. Using breath work
From a young age, we were taught to breathe deeply and slowly when facing a nerve-racking situation. It is believed that using breath work plays an essential role in releasing emotions and moving the winds.
In addition, as stated in “The Times of India”, “Carbon dioxide is a natural toxic waste that comes out from our body only through breathing. But when our lungs are compromised by shallow breathing, the other detoxification system starts working harder to expel this waste.’’
Moreno’s method includes Inhaling for four seconds, holding your breath for one second and forcefully exhaling for eight seconds, “Push out that energy or angst you might have.’’
4. Go outside
Besides getting Vitamin D there are other benefits to getting fresh. Moreno says fresh air moves the winds because you’re moving out of the physical space where you are experiencing them.
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