Earlier this week, Jennifer Lawrence called Erika Jayne “evil” over the latter’s on-screen behavior.
These past couple of seasons of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills have not shown her in a good light.
It is true that viewers have seen her seemingly attack victims — tanking her public image and shocking former fans.
But is “evil” a fair characterization? Erika herself has something to say about that.

Erika Jayne appeared on Watch What Happens Live this week.
Yes, she is aware of what superfan Jennifer Lawrence had to say about her behavior this season.
And she told Andy Cohen that maybe this isn’t an appropriate time to be judging her.

“Well, you know, it’s easy to label people,” Erika began her reply.
It is easy “when they are at their absolute lowest.”
Erika noted that she is “going through something in real time on television.”

“But anytime that she would like to come on down and mix it up with us,” Erika then continued.
She suggested: “I’m sure that we could unmask the ugly parts of her personality as well.”
That is both an invitation and a threat. The kind of double-edged line that a vampire countess might utter, right?

Erika is of course responding to J-Law’s commentary about Season 12 of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
“My biggest problem with this season is that it’s just been boring,” she admitted during an interview.
“And,” Jennifer Lawrence then characterized, “I think that Erika is evil.”

You know what’s really interesting about that comment?
Absolutely, a lot of people on social media and at home have called out Erika’s less-than-graceful behavior.
But the level of condemnation that people have aimed at her seems a little out of proportion.

Jen Shah on The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City has not received the same level of condemnation.
Keep in mind, federal agents searched for and arrested Jen, charging her with serious crimes.
And, earlier this year, Jen entered a guilty plea.

Meanwhile, the alleged crimes for which so many viewers condemned Erika … were her husband’s.
Tom Girardi may have stolen millions from his own clients.
It is unclear why so many people declared that Erika had detailed knowledge of financial crimes. How many wives with rich husbands ask where funds for jewelry originated?

We’re not doing a whataboutism here to deflect from Erika’s situation.
The way that Erika has responded to victims has been cold at best. Callous and cruel, even.
But Erika’s response has been more of a PR crisis. If Erika did any harm to these people herself, no one has proven it.

Now that Erika has seen so much feedback, perhaps she will change her attitude ahead of future seasons.
(Assuming, of course, that she continues to appear on the franchise)
She is not responsible for the disproportionate way that fans respond to her. But she is responsible for her own behavior.