Y’all, I’m going to cut right to the chase on this one: Our first trailer for Normal Ain’t Normal is here, and it looks incredible! Check it out:
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Offsides Productions / Via youtube.com
While this first trailer is only a mere minute long, you really get a feel for the tone and style of the project — which BuzzFeed will digitally distribute!
As the title of the digital series suggests, the story seeks to explore the very clear fact that, in a world that just experienced a global pandemic, getting “back to normal” is anything but “normal.”
Told as an anthology, each of the series’ four episodes will follow four different, unique characters, telling each of their different, unique stories.
D’Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai, Tristan Cunningham, Sal Lopez, Reem Assil, and Martin Sensmeier will star (with Rosario Dawson making an appearance as well). The cast will portray working class neighbors in Oakland, California who are continuing to navigate their ever-changing daily lives as they slowly come out of pandemic life.
Overall, the series aims to be grounded and authentic, offering a glimpse into the very real situations many Americans are facing in their day-to-day lives as the world around them continues to change.