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Monday, March 10, 2025

Mohamed Abdelhamed Will Never Get His Green Card, Yvette Arellano’s Attorney Predicts

Even though 90 Day Fiance Season 9 is over, Yvette and Mohamed’s drama continues.

After she (and the world) caught him cheating, Mohamed accused Yve of domestic battery.

That is a very serious accusation. But many wonder if it’s a ploy, as suggested in his texts, to stay in the country.

According to Yve’s attorney, Mohamed doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of getting his green card.

It was not a surprise to any viewers that Mohamed Abdelhamed didn’t have good intentions towards Yvette Arellano.

He smiled and spoke softly, but the things that he said were often malicious.

Mohamed disparaged Yve on screen. It was not a shock when his texts showed that he disparaged her to his mistress.

Mohamed Abdelhamed allegedly sent a series of texts to a mysterious other woman, promising to leave his wife as soon as his green card is secure.

Mohamed insulted Yve, her son Tharan, and vowed to his side piece that he could never stay with her long-term.

The two colluded, with Mohamed promising to keep stringing along Yvette so that he could get his documentation.

Remember, this is no longer just an unverified series of screenshots. Mohamed admitted on camera to sending the texts.

Mohamed has since claimed that he is indifferent to United States residency.

That does not only fly in the face of his leaked texts. It also conflicts with his on-screen statements.

His behavior on 90 Day Fiance and while talking to his mistress all portray him as someone heavily invested in living in the US.

Mohamed was so eager to receive his documentation that he pitched a fit when Yve needed to push back the wedding date.

Remember, he once asked Yve if he should look for a new “sponsor.”

90 Day Fiance has introduced fans to all sorts of toxic people. We struggle to think of anyone who has straight-up called their significant other their “sponsor” in such blatant terms.

Mohamed’s history of statements, on camera and in text, will come back to haunt him.

Yve hired an immigration attorney, Kathleen Martinez. She spoke to In Touch Weekly.

She is saying that “the odds are high” that immigration officials will deny Mohamed during his green card interview.

“United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (U.S.C.I.S.) denies so many people,” Martinez noted.

She added that this includes people “that have so many bonafide claims.”

It is true that many people wait years, or are simply denied, even when their intentions are honest and their paperwork is in order.

Martinez emphasized: “They will already know from my firm that he has attempted immigration fraud.”

“So,” she reasoned, “I don’t think he will have a chance.”

If Mohamed were just a jerk, that would be one thing. But the guy is either a scammer, or really good at seeming like one.

The two have breakfast, but Yvette is still running over the events from last week’s episode. She feels bad that Mohamed felt uncomfortable or even judged. At the same time, she does not like how Mohamed treated her after the dinner.

90 Day Fiance fans — not all of them, but a vocal chunk — have a bad habit of accusing anyone and everyone of running a “green card scam.”

The reality is that very few people who want to run a scam like that are foolish enough to also film a reality show.

Mohamed is a handsome man. Apparently, a very persuasive one. He does not appear to be a mastermind.


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