I definitely wasn’t expecting to open Twitter today to a video of Kevin Bacon jamming out to Beyoncé with his goats — but here we are.
Kevin posted the clip earlier this afternoon, showing him playing the ukulele and performing a cover of “Heated” from Beyoncé‘s new album, Renaissance, as he and his goats chilled outside. Random? Yes. But a vibe? Also yes.
Captioning the video, Kevin wrote, “Hot day, hot song. The goats and I are feeling Heated, @Beyonce,” before adding that he loves “this track.” Check it out:
Hot day, hot song. The goats and I are feeling Heated, @Beyonce. Loving this track. #GoatSongs #Renaissance
(You can listen to the original song here because it’s even more of a vibe.)
And apparently, this isn’t some new thing! I looked at his socials and there are tons of videos of him performing with his goats. Like, it’s a whole thing:
Great track, @Harry_Styles, but I think I have some tips for you on jewelry. #GoatSongs
It’s just another reason to stan him, TBH.