Tyler Baltierra and Catelynn Lowell know how to get NSFW.
If there is one thing that these two love, it’s posting super horny public tributes to each other on special occasions.
Well, it’s that time again.
This time, it’s their seventh wedding anniversary … and Tyler’s poetry is nothing short of raunchy.

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have been together for the majority of their lives.
However, they married just seven years ago, on August 22, 2015.
Monday was their anniversary. Tyler’s poem made Teen Mom fans do a double-take, and then a triple-take.

“Blooming moon flower,” Tyler wrote. “Let me drink your honey.”
He continued: “Dripping petals, Luscious nectarine.”
“Your lips taste like cherries,” Tyler praised. “My favorite flavor.”

“Your roots reach deep into the heart of soil,” Tyler’s poem continued.
“Nourishing love,” he wrote. “Nurturing touch.”
Tyler then appraised: “Our lust still feels young & like the warmth of a sunrise.”

“I crave your embrace,” Tyler penned. “The comforting polarity keeps me in place.”
He then added: “It drips slow from head to toe.”
Getting even hornier, Tyler invited Catelynn to “Engulf me in your morning glow.”

“Senses rage like flames, they wrap me in a safe space,” Tyler affirmed in his poem.
“You are my one true sunlight,” he then praised, “Chasing every shadow.”
Tyler concluded his poem: “Morphing them into the most beautiful of nights.”

“Happy anniversary babe!” Tyler proclaimed, switching from poetry to prose.
“I love you more than I could ever express,” he proudly affirmed.
We can certainly tell — even though he is expressing quite a lot.

In case you are one of those folks who thought that Harry Styles’ “Watermelon Sugar” was about fruit, we’ll spell it out.
A lot of poetry about flowers and petals are actually about sex. It’s vulva imagery.
Similarly, a great deal of poetry about fruit, particularly the eating of fruit, is about sex. Fruit is wet and sometimes messy.

If Tyler had posted that deeply sexual poem to Twitter, he would have received countless replies about the “horny police.”
Instead, he shared the artistic expression on Instagram, where the relative obscurity of comments makes people strike a different tone.
Well, sometimes, anyway. People still heckled him a bit.

But you know what? This is sweet.
There are so many people in the world who act like they hate their spouses or other partners.
It is nice to see so much genuine enthusiasm.