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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Afroman’s Home Raided By Ohio Police As They Searched For Drugs

Afroman had his Ohio home raided by police, who came in with guns drawn, as they tore his place apart looking for reported drugs, according to TMZ.

The “Because I Got High” rapper, originally from Palmdale, California, told the outlet that the Adams County Sheriff’s Department literally knocked his door down and entered with guns drawn, during a search for narcotics on Sunday,

For his part, the 48-year-old says he wasn’t sure why they thought he was hiding illegal drugs, as all that they turned up was a jar of help and a vape pen.

Photos obtained by TMZ show a door torn off of its hinges and on the floor, as well as officers searching a bedroom and cop cars parked outside his home.

Afroman, who’s real name is Joseph Foreman, wasn’t even home at the time of the raid, and was in Chicago, but was notified by his neighbors upon his return, who showed him video and photos of the raid.

Officers Break Down Door With Guns Drawn, Find Nothing Of Note In Drug Raid

The rapper told TMZ that this latest attempted drug bust, which ultimately turned up nothing of note, is complete bulls*** and added he’s likely being profiled over his music, which often includes themes of drugs and alcohol.

His biggest hit, which was about getting high, was back in 2000, so it’s unclear as to why he would be profiled over his music now.

Afroman is no stranger to law enforcement, however, with The Shade Room reporting back in 2015 that the rapper punched a fan on stage during a performance that year at Mardi Gras in Biloxi, Mississippi.

But he did express outrage over the latest legal issue following Sunday’s raid, and took to Instagram afterward to add some more context as to why this search could have happened.

Afroman Accuses Police Department Of Retaliation After Reportedly Filing Burglary Report, Rapper Claims

Afroman accused the department of retaliation, and hinted that the raid may have had something to do with him checking on a police report regarding a burglary at his home, which he says upset the ACSD.

The rapper went on to say that he “expected… the police department (to) not protect and serve me as a Black man in America,” and likened the raid to what “Donald Trump calls… witch-hunts.”

“I excepted the fact that the police department is not necessary here to protect and serve me a blacc man in America so I just took my loss and never called bacc. Now here they are kicc-ing in my door looking for weapons of mass destruction and 100,000,000 pounds of weed lol wow Donald Trump calls these investigations witchhunts.”

Following his 2015 arrest for assaulting a fan, Afroman was forced to take anger management classes as well as drug tests while on probation. He faced six months in jail had he violated the terms of his release.

Rapper’s Music Has Recently Found It’s Way Inside Courtroom, As He Plans Upcoming Canadian Tour

Oddly enough, Afroman’s music has found its way into the courtroom in recent years.

A 17-year-old arrested for possessing a marijuana pipe was forced to listen to Afroman’s song “Because I Got High” and write a report about it by a Massachusetts District Court judge, MTV reported in December 2021.

Matthew Fournier of East Hartford, Connecticut, was sentenced Wednesday in Springfield to listen to the “stupid rap song,” as Judge Nancy Dusek-Gomez referred to Afroman’s 2000 hit, while emphasizing the line “Now, I’m a quadriplegic and I know why/ Because I got high,” according to the Associated Press.

The judge continued the case for six months and said she would dismiss misdemeanor alcohol and drug charges, if the teen completed his report on the song and stayed away from liquor and drugs.

Afroman has kept a steady profile on social media, and has turned up in a number of fan photographs in recent weeks.

He is planning a fall tour throughout Canada, according to a tweet last week.


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