3.8 C
Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Kids Are Battling For America’s Best Mullet And The Competition Is Fierce

Business in the front, party in the back and a $2,500 prize on their minds.

The USA Mullet Championship has selected 25 achy-breaky heartbreakers with truly majestic manes to compete for the year’s title of best mullet in its children’s online category.

According to the organizers, the competition began in 2020 as a Michigan event but has expanded to locations in Texas, New York and Indiana. It also includes a few online competitions, including the women’s “Femullet” division, and competitions for kids and teens.

The finalists in the kids’ division this year offer quite a variety of ’Merica mops ranging from tidy cuts with cascading curls to classic ’80s beaver tails and one fellow who shaved his patriotic pride into the side of his ’do.

The father of one contestant told CBS News that there’s a $10 entree fee, but says “all donations are going to the Michigan Wig Foundation for kids.”

TMZ reports that the winner gets a $2,500 prize.

This year’s finalists were selected earlier this week, and those who are fans of the signature shag have a chance to mull-et over and vote for their favorite here by this Friday.


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