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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Wendy Williams’ Podcast Teaser Alarms Fans: Ma’am Are You Okay???

Early this summer, Wendy Williams teased her podcasting future.

It’s more than just her return to the public sphere. She hopes that it will be a lucrative opportunity.

Of course, Wendy has struggled with numerous health problems. Some fans wonder if she’s ready.

Wendy’s newest promo is leaving her fans alarmed. Is she … okay?

“TRUST ME I will be BACK!” Wendy Williams wrote in all caps in the caption of her post.

“#wendyexperiencepodcast #welcome #back #stay #positive #cohost #nyc,” she tagged.

And then came the post itself — a bonkers video showing Wendy making an over-the-top expression.

“Co-hosts, I’m famous, and I’ll be back, trust me,” Wendy announces to the camera.

Her face in an awkward rictus, she stares with intensity at the camera.

The video then teases “The Wendy Experience.”

Wendy Williams Says Dumb Stuff
Wendy Williams sits here on her set and makes yet another dumb point. She’s very good at doing that.

The replies showed that Wendy’s fans and followers felt immediate concern.

Some tried a “soft sell” approach, inviting her to take all of the time that she needs and recover her health.

You know when you tell someone several times that it’s okay if they cancel plans? It’s because you want them to cancel plans. That’s what this is.

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Others were less gentle in their approach.

They called out Wendy’s odd choice of words — a nonsensical list of buzzwords, as if she had been reading notes.

Others focused upon her face, lamenting that it “scared” them.

Wendy Williams in Front of the Camera
Wendy Williams smirks here for the camera while hosting an episode of her talk show.

Wendy has always had a very intense gaze. It is one of the things that has made her so widely memed.

Additionally, her large eyes are a symptom of her Graves Disease.

However, Wendy’s look does seem more erratic than usual. Though, thinking back, she has had her moments.

Even when Wendy was still on television, she boggled people’s minds with her outlandish outbursts.

Again, this was part of her job.

Wendy is not exactly what people would call a journalist. At the end of the day, she is a shock jock.

In fact, the last couple of years of Wendy’s career provided some excellent meme fodder.

Even the children on TikTok, many of whom had never seen her show, began to watch her videos.

Why? Because she is a captivating, entertaining person with little to no filter.

Yes, Wendy has always been a lot.

Sometimes, she says what everyone is thinking. Other times, she’s on her own little planet.

But … does any of that eccentricity or lack of impulse-control explain Wendy’s alarming new promo?

THE Wendy Williams
Wendy Williams is on the set of her talk show here. She is going through her daily hot topics.

Part of it may be simply her look. That could be remedied, in part, by having a professional makeup artist help.

Obviously, Wendy is allowed to look however she likes. She doesn’t have to wear any makeup at all.

But, at present, her look is not reassuring some of her fans. Some are just more polite about it than others.

Wendy Williams Unable to Walk, In Early Stages of Dementia [Report]

It may be that Wendy is still putting together a team of people like editors.

Those folks could help her to make a teaser video that, um, makes more sense.

Or … this could be a ten-dimensional-chess move where Wendy leaned into her chaotic vibes to go viral. It certainly got our attention.


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