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Sunday, September 8, 2024

I can’t be bothered to attend my friend’s fourth wedding

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Weddings are often counted as one of life’s most important celebrations and friends and family love to spend the special day with the happy couple.

But they can also be very expensive, especially if you have to travel for the occasion.

So you can understand why people sometimes have mixed emotions about invites.

But one woman was left downright angry after receiving an invitation to her friend’s wedding, as it turns out she has gotten several before.

A woman took to Mumsnet to share her frustration after being invited to her friend’s fourth wedding – and she claimed she had been left in a tricky situation as she “can’t be bothered” to attend.

Wedding guests tossing rice at newlyweds,
Her friend is getting married for the fourth time (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images)

The mum explained her problem in a post titled: ” To not want to go to a person’s 4th wedding.”

She wrote: ” Just that really. Being a guest can be expensive. All the travel too. Finding babysitters. IMO she needs to stop getting married. It’s not working for her. I want to politely decline but I know she’s going to take it badly.”

Continuing her explanation in the comments, she said: “She’s my old primary friend. It’s like not going to a relative’s wedding but I can’t be bothered with it.”

“I wouldn’t expect anybody to come to my third or fourth wedding. I wouldn’t even have a big wedding,” the mum added.

But she fears her friend will be upset if she doesn’t attend.

“She made a big fuss before her third when a couple of people said they couldn’t make it. She was acting like it was her first wedding,” the woman explained.

But people were quick to take the mum’s side, reassuring her she should not feel obliged to attend.

“Meh, let her take it badly! You’re under no obligation to attend anyone’s wedding, be it their first or fourth,” read one comment.

Another said: “Just say really sorry, we can’t make that date.”

However, others thought the woman raised valid points but suggested she could try to be more understanding.

One person wrote: “I don’t see really how relevant it is that it’s her fourth wedding. That’s her circus. Either she’s a good friend who you want to support or she’s not.

“That said I don’t blame you for not wanting the expense and hassle.

“But I’d leave the moral judgements at the door.”

A second agreed: “No need to justify your decision by being mean about it.”


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