Reading David Tshabalala’s tweet was like going back into time – way back.
Memories of visiting friends’ homes when I was a kid and being told not to jump on the couches became so engrained in my brain that it was second nature to not even look in that direction, especially when covered with protective wrapping.
So, when he posted a picture of his mom’s new lounge suite still neatly wrapped in plastic, it immediately coaxed roars of laughter from me.
Because those who know, know exactly what Tshabalala meant when he said: “My mom bought these in April 😂 we can’t sit in the sitting room.”
My mom bought these in April 😂 we can’t sit in the sitting room.
— David Tshabalala (@SlayingGoliath) July 23, 2022
With a few of us still traumatised from feeling the hard, cold plastic against our sweaty thighs, the tweet triggered similar stories from others – and their responses were so hilarious that it prompted the original post to go viral.
Of course, some were confused as to why his mom still had plastic on sofas that were at least a few months old, to which Tshabalala responded, “She reckons no one sits there anyway. We eat and sit by the tv lounge.”
And when it came to her reasoning for preserving her lounge suite, the answers were the best gift that keeps on giving.
“This is for her special guests who come on special days and eat from her special cutlery…please respect Mama, kindly,” commented one tweep.
Are those special guest special than your kids?🤣🤣🤣
— Black🖤 & White🤍 (@BlackAn65843366) July 23, 2022
Another joked: “So she bought them for viewing purposes only.”
Basically 🤣
— David Tshabalala (@SlayingGoliath) July 24, 2022
But by far, the funniest response was from @Cinnamon_Guy_, who asked: “So does she unwrap them when there are guests and wraps them up again when the guests have left?”
Lol no
— David Tshabalala (@SlayingGoliath) July 24, 2022