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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Big Brother Recap: A Night of Blindsides Leaves Several Houseguests in Jeopardy

Thanks to the most sporadic scheduling for a season of Big Brother yet, viewers were treated to two hours of the long-running CBS reality staple Sunday night.

Thankfully, it was a case of an eviction night done right as the “pawn” became the target.

On a serious note, why would anyone who’s watched the game volunteer to be a pawn? Since the beginning, the common consensus has been that pawns go home.

Pictured: Joe ‘Pooch’ Picciarelli and Taylor Hale. Photo: CBS Broadcasting,

Pooch hasn’t proven to be the brightest player. He is one of the most athletic, which came back to bite him.

He believed that the person who had been the target since the beginning of the game (Taylor) would get her marching orders. However, he clearly didn’t get the memo to expect the unexpected on Big Brother.

As the latest episode got underway, the dominant female alliance pondered sending Pooch home. A surefire way to win some respect from fans is to get a strong player out of the game.

Paloma Aguilar’s removal from the house didn’t derail her alliance.

Nicole Layog, houseguest on the CBS original series BIG BROTHER, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. — Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS ©2022 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Monte, one of Pooch’s most prominent allies, was dead set on getting Taylor out, which isn’t a surprise.

Taylor has been vocal about backdooring Monte because of their dust-up during the game’s first week.

All of a sudden, Monte caring more about his game seems to have pushed Nicole and Ameerah closer to their all-female alliance.

Despite the editing fanning the flames that the entire house thought Taylor was going, the official vote highlighted the disparity between the CBS broadcasts and what the fans watch on the live feed.

Taylor Hale, houseguest on the CBS original series BIG BROTHER, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. — Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS ©2022 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Pooch was sent home by a vote of 12-0, meaning that even his closest allies turned on him.

On a happy note (as a longtime viewer) there was no way back for him. He was packing his belongings as he walked out the house. He was sure he was safe.

As the houseguests reeled from the latest eviction, Julie dropped a bombshell on them:

For the foreseeable future, the game will be played in pairs as part of the “Festie Bestie” twist.

Indy Santos, houseguest on the CBS original series BIG BROTHER, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. — Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS ©2022 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Unfortunately, the festival theme has been horrible so far, so hopefully this allows the houseguests to shake things up.

The twist means that whoever wins HOH will keep their “bestie safe,” and the HOH will nominate one pair for eviction.

The houseguests then save one half of that friendship, but we don’t know what happens to the lone player.

Michael and Daniel understood they didn’t need to win the competition. Their allies would keep them safe, so they both threw it. Now, this is the Big Brother we know and love.

Alyssa Snider, houseguest on the CBS original series BIG BROTHER, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. — Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS ©2022 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

It came down to Turner and Ameerah, with the former scooping up the victory, much to viewers’ chagrin.

Michael, for some reason, buddied up with Brittany, leaving them both ripe for the block, something Turner took advantage of.

However, things can change on a dime in the Big Brother house, so things will likely switch up again before the next eviction on Thursday.

Brittany is the target, but Michael has won the first two Veto competitions. There’s a good chance they won’t even be on the block for long.

Michael Bruner, houseguest on the CBS original series BIG BROTHER, scheduled to air on the CBS Television Network. — Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS ©2022 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Big Brother is finally gathering some steam, but that could all implode in the coming weeks.

The series continues Wednesday at 8/7c on CBS.


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