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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Mike Tyson believes he’ll die ‘really soon’

Mike Tyson believes he will die “really soon”.

The 56-year-old former boxer has been reflecting on the subject of mortality and believes his own “expiration date” isn’t too far away.

Speaking to therapist Sean McFarland – who specialises in trauma and addiction – on his “Hotboxin’ with Mike Tyson” podcast, he said: “We’re all gonna die one day, of course.

“Then, when I look in the mirror, I see those little spots on my face, I say, ‘Wow. That means my expiration date is coming close, really soon.’”

The ex-heavyweight champion – who filed for bankruptcy in 2003 but is now worth an estimated $10 million – insisted money isn’t important to him and it doesn’t bring the happiness and security that some people expect it to.

Tyson said: “Money don’t mean s*** to me.

“I always tell people – they think money’s gonna make them happy, they’ve never had money before – when you have a lot of money, you can’t expect nobody to love you. How am I gonna confess my love to you when you have $500 billion?

“The false sense of security. You believe nothing can happen. You don’t believe the banks could collapse. You believe that you’re invincible when you have a lot of money, which isn’t true. That’s why I always say money is a false sense of security.”

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Tyson spoke about conversations with his wife, Lakiha Spicer, where she said she wants more money to feel secure.

He asked: “What is security? I don’t know. When you put money in your bank and you get a cheque every week and you can live for the rest of your life, is that security? That means you won’t catch a disease, you can’t get hit by a car? You can’t jump off a bridge? I don’t know. Is that security? Can money secure you from that?”


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