Zelie Timothy is missing her man! Well, in this case, her ex-man! You’ll recall that Tyrese Gibson seemingly ended their romantic relationship on July 7 via social media. He shared several lengthy posts claiming to be single, showing off his “type” in women and praising DJ Envy’s marriage. He wrote, “I am single now” within a paragraph about Zelie being a seductive snake and masterful manipulator who wasn’t ready to settle down.
At the time, Zelie seemingly fired back at his claims by saying Tyrese was acting out of emotions. Now, almost two weeks later, her approach to him seems to have softened. She took to Instagram on Tuesday night to declare her love for Tyrese while apologizing for the crumbling of their love and her part in that.
“@Tyrese When we first got together, we promised each other that we would let nothing get in the way of our love. Not ex’s or social media. Yet, WE’VE been getting in the way of our love,” Zelie wrote. “I will not get into anything about what you’ve done and said. I can only speak for myself. The things I’ve done have made you so sad you chose to break that promise. Whether I’m right or wrong, I’m sorry.”
Zelie declared her love for Tyrese alongside a video of them relaxing in each other’s arms on the beach. It’s unclear how long ago the video was filmed. However, multiple previous posts of the couple reappeared on Zelie’s Instagram page–including their prior beach baecation.
Zelie Timothy Says Hell Is Earth Without Tyrese Gibson
While Tyrese had a strong choice of words for Zelie, including asking to be released from her “poison,” Zelie’s words on Tuesday seemed full of remorse.
“All I have ever wanted for us was to be happy. Going through your divorce, your mother’s passing, your sister, and now your father with you has been hell, and being your way of escape has been beautiful but there were times that I let my stubbornness get in the way of what we were building,” Zelie wrote. “Times where I’ve done things and said things you didn’t like.”
Though she didn’t explain what those “things” are, Zelie said the time apart has shown her Tyrese’s place in her life.
“With you being my first serious relationship, I thought it would be easy to move on. Yet, with you not being with me, I have realized that the absence of my person is even worse than that,” Zelie wrote. “After all this, you’ve made me know that hell is just earth without you. I’ve loved you with everything I have since the day we met.”
Zelie also revealed that she’s attending “therapy sessions.” Although it’s unclear, if Tyrese is also participating in the sessions, Zelie hopes they help the former couple “learn about each other deeper.”
“I want you to know how much I miss you and what you mean to me,” she wrote.” I love you.”
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