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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Ariela Weinberg and Biniyam Shibre: Is Their Toxic Relationship Doomed to Fail?

Fans are still sighing with relief that Ariela Weinberg and Biniyam Shibre’s pregnancy scare was a false alarm.

That 90 Day Fiance couple has more than enough on their plate without adding a second child to the mix.

But Ari and Bini simply cannot continue the way things are. Not if they’re going to last.

In fact, fans think that the couple’s relationship is doomed. But, they are a little divided over what will be the final nail in the coffin.

They hope that they can effectively “start over” together. As Ari’s parents touched upon, things will be so different here, as Bini is surrounded by Ari’s culture instead of the other way around. However, Ariela worries that some of the problems that have plagued their relationship could follow them to New Jersey. Only time will tell.

Since Ariela and Biniyam made their debut on 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way Season 2, things have been rough.

Ari had lived abroad for many years, but only recently traveled to Ethiopia for a vacation.

She met Biniyam, a hottie with a seemingly shy personality, and fell head over heels in lust.

Biniyam Shibre poses under holy water

One thing led to another, which very naturally led to Ariela being pregnant.

Bini had previously impregnated and married another American woman, but was unable to be there when his ex gave birth.

With this in mind, Ari opted to return to Ethiopia later in her pregnancy so that Bini could be there.

Biniyam and Ariela at the temporary hovel

There were immediately problems, but innocuous ones.

Though Biniyam had been to the United States, he did not seem to understand some basic necessities that Ari needed.

At first, the house that he presented to her did not have hot water, a real oven, or even a refrigerator.

Ariela and Janice take in the

Ariela and her mother, Janice, picked out a rental that could meet the couple’s basic needs.

Janice returned to Princeton, New Jersey, with plans to return for the birth of Ariela’s baby.

However, Ari had to have an emergency C-section ahead of the due date, giving birth scared and an ocean away from her parents.

She has to stop crying and shifting so that they can put her under. Oh this was so hard to watch. Like, you wish that her mom could just teleport there to hold her hand.

Like Biniyam’s first son, baby Aviel Biniyam Shibre was born with some breathing issues, but was ultimately okay.

Ari faced a long road to recovery.

Before she could really begin to heal from her C-section, she and Bini faced an intense disagreement.

Biniyam wished to follow the Ethiopian tradition of circumcision, and considered this a matter of course.

International human rights bodies have condemned non-medical cosmetic surgery on baby’s genitals without their consent.

Ariela was concerned that she was violating her son’s human rights. She feared that he might grow up to hate her.

Ariela Weinberg will not go through with the circumcision

This was when we really saw Biniyam’s dismissive attitude.

He does not seem to value Ari’s thoughts or opinions any more than his son’s human rights.

Apparently, neither does Ariela, because she caved. Newborn Avi received agonizing and irreversible genital surgery.

Ariela Weinberg cries while her baby screams in pain

What struck fans about this was not merely that Ari understood what she was doing but did it anyway.

(This set her pretty far apart from the majority of parents who do this to their babies)

It was also interesting to see her cave to Biniyam’s wishes. This would be part of a pattern.

He wants his son baptized, which Ariela has agreed to because it’s really important to Biniyam. She is the child of an interfaith marriage herself.

Ariela is the child of an interfaith marriage. Her mother is Catholic, her father is Jewish.

While Ari chose Judaism for herself, she has repeatedly done almost anything that Bini pressures her to do.

This has included a baptism for Avi. She has attended multiple Christian religious festivals. She even bathed in holy water.

Ariela admits that she does not know the origins of the water, either how clean it is or what makes it particularly holy, and is understandably leery of getting doused.

Obviously, it is a wonderful thing to see members of an interfaith couple experience each other’s customs.

What is less wonderful is seeing this happen in such a one-sided manner.

To date, not one episode has shown Bini reciprocate.

Wish Shibre - if you don't baptize, the baby goes straight to hell

This is a huge red flag for their relationship’s long-term viability.

Then there is the family angle of it all.

While Bini mostly gets along with Ari’s family, Bini’s own siblings do not care for Ariela in the slightest.

But there are more problems than culture clashes and (future) in-laws.

Does Biniyam truly respect Ariela? He often acts like her every thought is ridiculous.

Most significantly, he seems to ignore her requests that he actually spend time at home.

90 Day Fiance: Ariela Weinberg is Taking the Baby to America!

Biniyam likes to spend hours or even days out of the house.

He does not feel beholden to remain in contact, even putting his phone in airplane mode to avoid calls.

Having a newborn at home did not change this. Ari’s feelings did not change this.

Ariela Weinberg accuses Biniyam of cheating, suggests he get tested

When Ariela had to take Avi to the US for hernia surgery, things became worse.

Bini turned the house into a social hub, practicing his music there and partying with various guests.

He even hid Avi’s crib. Ari saw all of this on social media, and was horrified. It felt like a desecration of their home.

Weirdly, some fans think that Ariela’s ex-husband, Leandro, will be the downfall of their marriage.

They had an amicable divorce, and he’s one of her closest friends.

He also has his own girlfriend and is diplomatically supportive of Ari and Bini.

Honestly, this seems to be the result of close-minded viewers believing that exes cannot be friends.

(We have seen this elsewhere in the 90 Day Fiance franchise … some people think that exes always mean bitterness)

Also, since people don’t like Ariela (which is understandable), sometimes it’s easy to imagine that she’s a cheater.

This bring us to the final issue for this couple: is Biniyam a serial cheater?

His ex-wife reportedly accused him of cheating. Bini’s ex-girlfriend believes that he cheated. Ari believes the same.

Maybe coming to America means an end to his cheating. Or maybe Biniyam will just find side pieces. Only time will tell.


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