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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Are Jibri and Miona Bell Faking Their Drama for Fame?

Jibri and Miona Bell finally reached a compromise on the latest episode of 90 Day Fiance.

Miona was happy. Jibri was happy. Jibri’s parents were positively fuming.

Or were they?

Fans think that the entire wedding was a foregone conclusion — at best. Is their whole storyline as fake as Miona’s skin tone?

(Should we specify which skin tone? It seems to change pretty dramatically)

First things first: Season 9, Episode 13.

Jibri and Miona’s moments of the episode began with Jibri very conspicuously saging the house.

Sage has enjoyed multiple spiritual, medicinal, and culinary uses across millennia and continents.

In Jibri’s case, he was clearly attempting to purge negative energies from the home and bring good vibes.

His reason was simple: Miona was about to have a very serious talk with his mother, one-on-one.

See, Jibri and Miona have been facing multiple conflicts over wedding planning — among other things.

Miona wants her beach wedding. Jibri wants something more practical and close by.

The wedding date is so close that it’s baffling that they are still going back and forth, but at least they compromised.

Miona at down with Mahala to break the news.

She shared that she and Jibri are planning to elope — with a destination unknown, but possibly Joshua Tree.

That way, Miona can have her picture-perfect wedding photos now, and they can have a big, family wedding in a year.

Mahala and her husband, Brian, were invited … but it sort of didn’t matter.

As diplomatically as she could, Mahala explained that the last-minute plans for an out-of-state wedding mean that she can’t go.

Simply put, if Jibri and Miona had planned this out months ago, things would be very different.

Miona returned to Jibri to tell him how the conversation went.

In her estimation, it went very well.

This was not, however, how Mahala saw it, and she relayed her impressions to Brian.

Simply put, this last-minute schedule change is exactly what they expected from this “clusterf–k” of a relationship.

It’s a mess. Jibri and Miona are a mess.

As Mahala said, they choose difficult paths for themselves … but this is also making life difficult for those around them.

Also, this “compromise” just sounded to Mahala and Brian like Jibri giving Miona what she wanted at all costs.

Miona thinks that he listens too much to his parents. They think that he listens too much to her. Maybe they’re all right.

But … maybe they’re all making a big fuss out of a moot topic. Are Jibri and Miona already married?

Jibri lived in Serbia for a time, which is how he met Miona.

In an interview, he referred to Miona as his wife — well, allegedly.

See, he has claimed that this was a translation error. “Fiancee” can be tricky in translations, to be fair.

The two start off at home in Rapid City, packing up for their trip to Chicago. Jibri laments that Miona is taking up so much space in the suitcases, but he also packs what looks like a dozen different sets of sunglasses. That is extremely Jibri of him, but it’s a pretty cute moment for them.

Even if they married in Serbia, we don’t know the details of their visa filing in the US — maybe that’s not as fake as it seems.

However, we think that what has fans so suspicious is simple: these two seem like the types to get on TV for fame.

Jibri has his band. Miona clearly wants to be an influencer. They might do anything for exposure.

What could have been a not-so-playful exchange of light blows turns into something worse as Jibri picks up Daveed and slams him into the ground.

Are they faking drama to grow their brands? Is Daveed in on it? Is his family in on it?

It is always possible. With some couples, more “fakery” comes from some of the cast than from production meddling.

But Jibri and Miona seem more than capable of having this much drama without meaning to.


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