The promo for this weekend’s 90 Day Fiance show an alarming scene Yvette and Mohamed.
When Yve says that they need to postpone the wedding, Mohamed demands his Green Card and pitches a fit.
Why do they need to postpone? Was it just “editing magic” that made it sound like Mohamed isn’t here for love?
Now, we can see the full clip. But viewers aren’t going to like all of the answers.

You can watch the clip for yourself below.
As the original promo showed us, things start off very happy in the car.
Yvette Arellano is driving. Mohamed Abdelhamed is in the passenger’s seat. Yve’s son, Tharan, is in the back.

“We’re gonna have to push the wedding back a whole other month,” Yve shares with Mohamed.
She explains that this is necessary “because the one venue that I wanted fell through.”
Mohamed does not respond well to the news. Actually, that is an understatement.

“Are you kidding me?” Mohamed demands angrily.
Yvette appears shocked, having clearly not expected the level of outrage in his response.
“Everybody’s booking things super fast,” she tells him, sounding apologetic.

“I don’t really care about the place,” Mohamed protests.
“Well, I do,” Yve counters, “because I don’t plan on getting married more than one time.”
He then suggests that perhaps her backyard would be a suitable venue. She shoots down his “dirt patch” wedding plans.

“Thing is Yve, my mom already counting the days ’til I go back, visit her,” Mohamed says, also citing that he wants to be able to work.
“I can’t leave without my green card, as you know,” he says.
To the confessional camera, Mohamed complains that even a “couple weeks” delay will make things worse.

Yvette asks Mohamed to please be “more understanding.”
She reminds him that many things remain out of her control.
Mohamed fires back: “Maybe you don’t wanna get married.”

Yvette recognizes Mohamed’s petulant act for what it is.
She says that, if he’s going to act this way, maybe she does need to reconsider things.
Mohamed says that he could go ahead and start packing his bags to leave.

“Absurd,” Yvette calls his behavior.
To the confessional, she explains that their wedding should be reasonably special.
It’s not an elaborate, destination wedding, but it shouldn’t be something that leaves dirt stains on her wedding dress.

Even before Mohamed arrived in America, she had sent him photos of the venue.
This is when he suggests that they have a courthouse wedding.
Sounding like she’s fighting back tears beside him in the confessional, Yvette explains that she wants this to be special.
Mohamed then emphasizes his desire that Yve file the paperwork already.
He doesn’t want to simply “stay home” while he’s with her.
They both have understandable desires, but only one of them is being respectful of the other.