This truly pained me to make; tough decisions had to be made. I’m sorry, Chris.
As we all know, there are MANY Chrises in Hollywood, and they are (mostly) very hot, very cool, and very nice. It’s honestly SO hard to choose between them — so when the “who’s the best Chris?” question cycles through Twitter every few months, I find myself at a loss.
Chris Hemsworth, Pine, Pratt, Walken, Rock, and Robin
However, I’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching about this. And I think I’m finally ready to share with you all my DEFINITIVE rating of the best Chrises. I hope you’re all ready.
Let’s start off with Chris Evans. He’s funny, sweet, talented, and he’s from like, a few towns away from me. Let’s hear it for Chris Evans, last on this list!
Bruce Glikas / Bruce Glikas / FilmMagic
If anyone can work the pornstache, it’s Chris Evans.
Next up, we got…(drumroll please)…Chris Evans! But this time, he’s in sunglasses. He’s giving Joe Biden here, but like, back when Joe Biden was Obama’s dad-energy VP.
Mike Marsland / WireImage via Getty Images
Next up we have…and you’re not going to believe this one…Chris Evans! I know what you’re going to say; this is the same as the last one. But that’s where you’re wrong. This Chris Evans isn’t wearing sunglasses.
Steve Granitz / WireImage
Next up…and this was a really, really hard decision…I gotta go with Chris Evans. WITH PUPPIES.
Next up HAS to be High School Chris Evans.
Followed closely by ’90s Abercrombie Chris Evans.
Approaching the middle of the ranking is what I call, Joe-from-You Chris Evans.
Chad Buchanan / GC Images via Getty Images
Sorry, Chris — onto the next Chris! I call this masterpiece “Chris Evans With Dog (2022, colorized).”
Next up, we got another Biden Evans here. Look, he even does the Joe Biden point!
Albert L. Ortega / Getty Images
Next on the list is, of course, Chris Evans. With whipped cream that I’d like to lick off his body.
And I mean, how could we forget Chris Evans in bed???
This is one of my personal favorite Chrises. I call it smirking Chris Evans.
Imeh Akpanudosen / WireImage via Getty Images
I love a man who can be fun and silly and play dress-up with me and the kids. So next up, I gotta go with Chris Evans.
Something about bloody Chris Evans just does it for me.
And I mean, we’ve already got two shirtless Chris Evans on this list…but I gotta go with a third. Next up we have Captain-America-reveal Chris Evans, and lord, is this a Chris I hold near and dear to my heart.
But that’s nothing compared to America’s-ass Chris Evans.
Infinity War Chris Evans just hits different.
And we can’t, of course, forget Letterman jacket Chris Evans.
Columbia Pictures / courtesy Everett Collection
You gotta love squinting-like-he-can’t-quite-see-you Chris Evans.
Ben Gabbe / FilmMagic via Getty Images
This Chris Evans is literally ~on fire~~
20th Century Fox/Courtesy Everett Collection
And finally, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…the # 1 Chris in Hollywood…are you ready???
LOL, I’m just kidding. Can you imagine??? No, it’s obviously Chris Evans.
Jason Merritt / Getty Images
Who’s your fave Chris — Chris Evans or Chris Evans? Let us know in the comments below!