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Monday, September 30, 2024

Woman’s frantic tweet about separating two bowls gets netizens hooked, toddler comes to the rescue!

Google is our go-to every time we are faced with a problem with no solution. A woman also took solace in the search engine as she had two ceramic bowls stuck together on her hands. The story had a happy ending, thanks to a toddler.

It all started when a New York-based artist shared a photo of two ceramic bowls — one small one stuck inside a bigger bowl — and asked for help. “I stacked a ceramic bowl into another one while doing dishes and now they are stuck. How do you remove the smaller bowl without breaking both of them?” Chi Nguyễn asked.

Soon, the question piqued the interest of thousands of people on Twitter and they offered a range of solutions. Nguyễn also listed dozens of things she did try — from “warm soapy water” to “hot water on outer bowl, cold water + ice on inner bowl” and even oiling the edges. But nothing helped.

As more than two days passed, Nguyễn and over 1.5 lakh people who liked the tweet scratched their heads looking for a solution. Some also had jokes up their sleeves — one person wondered if she had “politely asked the small bowl to leave”, others weighed in with more hacks.

Sadly, even after trying many forms of force, nothing worked and the small bowl was chipped at the edges. “Still stuck,” the woman lamented.

As frustration grew online, a Twitter used suggested something what might appear as a joke at first glance but in the end helped Nguyễn solve her problem — taking help from a child. Yes, someone suggested to give the bowls to a two-year-old with scores of other toys and ask the child to keep it together.

“Tell the toddler this is not a toy. That you put the bowls together, you want them together, and they have to stay together. Leave for about 3 seconds,” the user commented. To which, Nguyễn shared a picture of a child with a “suction cup combo” showing the bowls.

And as hundreds camped under the thread to know what happened next, Nguyễn posted an update. Voila, the bowls were separated. “OMG WE DID IT!” she posted an update with the child sitting with the two separated bowls.

“Gave to toddler (clear mandate that bowls must stay together), suction cup, small bowl asks to not give up on it now, banged on carpet,” she wrote detailing the step-by-step journey celebrating her successful mission.

She again took to Twitter to express her gratitude to people who offered her solutions. “Thank you for sticking with us, even just for a moment! We’re sending you a note of gratitude from NYC to where you are in the world,” she wrote signing off.


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